Cleaning in police: two officers of OBEP detected in the act for extortion at the businessman, the fitter of playgrounds

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two field investigators of OBEP Leninsky rayon came into the view At once of employees of OSB of regional UMVD. Police officers demanded from the businessman of 600 thousand rubles. In exchange promised not to carry out an inspection it businesses. Officers detained when receiving the first part of a bribe of 100 thousand rubles.

those who is urged to fight against economic crimes and corruption Got to

. In the press service of UMVD reported that operation on detention is carried out by employees of operational search part of own safety on March 5.


- Previously it is established that the sum intended for not carrying out checks of economic activity of one of the organizations Ulyanovsk. The material of expeditious actions is sent to Investigation department on of the Leninsk district of the Ulyanovsk city to SU of SK Russian Federation for adoption of the procedural decision, - were told by the head of the press service Ryzhov Aleksey .

Now on this fact in UMVD carry out a functional audit inspection. If the fault of staff of law-enforcement bodies is proved, them will dismiss from bodies on discrediting circumstances. While they are discharged of service.

the Correspondent of a portal News portal Ulyanovsk "" found out

- Criminal case was brought immediately, the complex of initial investigative actions is carried out. Money of hundred thousand rubles, received in a qualitative initial contribution, are withdrawn, phones are also withdrawn from involved persons, - the head of investigative department of SK on Leninsky rayon reported to Ulyanovsk Kozin Alexander.

as the suspect already interrogated one of police officers. the 27-year-old senior lieutenant whom took with money the businessman, gave confession. Participation of other field investigator - the 36-year-old captain is established.

As we know from own sources, the injured businessman is engaged in installation of children's towns in the yards Ulyanovsk. The large sum for it "asked" to carrying out an inspection and not to look for at it violation.


to the operas which have Violated the law threatens not only dismissal, but also a penalty to 5 million rubles and imprisonment till 15 years.