Russian Federation – the country of opportunities

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C 13 till March 15, 2018 in Moscow took place the All-Russian forum "Russian Federation – the country of opportunities". The forum is one of actions within developments a strategic platform for support in long-term prospect of projects on development social elevators, support significant charitable events ̆, activity of volunteers and social activists.

Participants of the Forum became over 6000 perspective managers, businessmen, young professionals, volunteers and school students from 85 regions of our country!

Inhabitants of the Kochubeevsky municipal area Stavropol territory: Borzov Oleg — the first deputy of chapter of Administration of the municipal district Kochubeyevsk of the Stavropol Territory, the semifinalist competitions "Leaders of Russia"; Tsarev Dimitri — the specialist with youth of Municipal state institution "TSMP "Pegas", the winner the All-Russian grant competitions for natural persons of 2017; Deryazhnaya Olga — the deputy director for educational work of MKOU SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 5 page of Balakhonovsky, the silver volunteer, the participant Vserossiyskogo competitions "Want to do good"; Nazarenko Alena — the volunteer of a regional volunteer ecological staff Stavropol territory, the volunteer of the volunteer case Kochubeevskoe district, the participant Vserossiyskogo competitions "Want to do good", Stavropol territory were a part of delegation and participated in this forum.

of Participants work on 35 thematic platforms, the excursion and cultural program in the museums and exhibitions waited for Moscow, more than 300 meetings with leading political and public figures of the country.

the Result of a forum is not only adjustment of communications and receiving znaniiya, but also acquisition of potential of developments federal projects in regions Russian Federation.

Author of article: Tsarev Dimitri

of a photo it is provided by participants
