In the spiritual and educational center "Tsarsky" in Yekaterinburg exhibition about monasteries Russian Federation opened

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Yekaterinburg, on March 20, 2018

In the spiritual and educational center "Tsarsky" of Yekaterinburg within Days of the orthodox book opened a museum and library exhibition "Life for eternity: orthodox monastic monasteries", the Synod department of monasteries and a monkhood reports RO Russian Orthodox church with reference to a site of the Ekaterinburg diocese . At exhibition book editions about orthodox monasteries Russian Federation and the neighboring countries from fund of Derzhavnaya library, the photo from a collection Laykovsky E. E. and coins with the image of orthodox temples from a collection of Club of numismatists are submitted.

As are told by orovnizator, exhibition is a peculiar pilgrim way on sacred monasteries of our huge country during which visitors learn about founders and sacred these monasteries, about shrines and the related miracles. It is Optina Pustyn and marvelous Diveevo, Valaam and the Solovki, monasteries Kostroma, the Volga region, Moscow, Moscow region and the Urals.

At visitors of exhibitions will be remarkable opportunity to see ancient books from rare fund of library. For example, "The edifying interlocutor", Athos Russian Panteleimonov's edition of a monastery of the end of the XIX century from the collection of the father presented to library Lukyanov Roman, the prior of Church of the Epiphany of Boston (State of Massachusetts, United States of America).

Also the Derzhavnaya library is the owner of the most interesting series of weeklies "Orthodox monasteries. Travel on holy sites". On their pages before visitors the well-known monasteries known for all, and imperceptible, but not less important for history and spiritual life of our Homeland will open also, organizers note.


the priest Barannikov Nicholas with welcome speech , the clergyman Hrama-Pamyatnika on Blood.

"Today, opening exhibition, it is worth reflecting: for what we consider these landscapes, the exhibits connected with the Russian orthodox monasteries, and we turn the look on monastic life? First of all, "to tighten" ourselves it is a little to God in spiritual judgment of the life, understanding for what we here live, we exist. It is especially important to reflect on the spiritual life in days of the Lent", – the priest noted. Kirillov , doctor of historical sciences, professor, director of the Center of the history "Basic Region of the Power", old friend of library and museum of the Sacred imperial family. It provided for exhibitions a unique collection of commemorative silver coins with the image of the Russian monasteries which collected within 30 years.

"I wanted

that also other people could see it. Also I have honor to donate library some books from the Lives of the Sacred series", – Anatoly Dmitriyevich told.


the Museum and library exhibition photoworks harmoniously added Laykovsky E. E.. He told that since youth liked to travel and was fond of the photo. First of all, he wanted to imprint and transfer beauty of the nature of native Ural.

the First visitors of exhibitions already expressed gratitude to her organizers:

"Monasteries and temples are our history, and photos is our life, life among all this magnificent nature … All pictures affect our souls and hearts".

"The books presented at exhibition, give the chance to us, to wordly people to feel centuries-old history Russian Federation, strongly connected with Orthodoxy history, to touch spiritual wisdom of aged men, to find answers to difficult questions of life. After all "as it is necessary now for soul, restless and overwhelmed everyday and often senseless vanity though sometimes to have opportunity to stop near a source of silence, silence and the world sincere …"".

After opening of exhibitions lecture on the subject "Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke Vseya Russia Ioann IV Vasilyevich" from the cycle "Governors of the Earth of the Russian" took place. Lecture was given by the candidate of historical sciences, the honourable archivist Russian Federation, the chief of Administration office archives Sverdlovsk region Kapustin A. A..

Tsarsky center Address: Yekaterinburg, Tsarskaya St., 8.<"48>"

Entrance free.

Alexander Aleksandrovich Kapustin
Last position: Chief (Archives Management of the Sverdlovsk region)
Laykovsky E. E.
Lukyanov Roman
Barannikov Nicholas
Kirillov A. D.
The Russian Orthodox Church
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations