Fashion on GChP. How in Aktobe earn on social responsibility?

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Construction of the Ice arena in Aktobe within the GChP-project

Construction of the Ice arena in Aktobe within the GChP-project

Aktobe Region is in the lead on attraction of private investments in development social infrastructure. We tell how 3 projects of GChP are arranged.

on January 31, 2017 in the annual Message Nursultan Nazarbayev declared

that state-private partnership has to become the main mechanism of development infrastructures, including social. Following the results of last year the index of GChP-activity entered a rating akimov areas and two cities of republican value. tells about how state-private partnership works in Aktobe Region which is in the lead on attraction of investments from the private sector.

Optimistical statistics For March 1, 2018 the Ministry of national economy reported


that in Kazakhstan at 4 various stages (the registered contracts, contracts on registration stages, competitions and development of documentation) are 714 projects of state-private partnership. Total amount of all projects exceeds 1 trillion tenges.

Kindergarten – the most popular project of GChP /

Formally government bodies a last year's order of the head of state executed

Kindergarten - the GChP most popular project in new branches and lowered stages and volume of coordination. At the end of 2017 accepted a number of special amendments to the industry law. However the lion's share from 192 already working projects are spheres of educations, health care, physical culture and sport, Household management company, power engineering specialists and rendering social services. These are about 95% of all volume.

With rare exception in this list can find projects in agriculture, transport and in the field of management of solid household waste. But it is rather an exception to the rules.

Construction of city policlinic on 500 visits in one change in the residential district

Construction of city policlinic on 500 visits in the residential district "Kaytpas-1" of the city Shymkent / the Photo of akimat of YuKO

the Official leader on the attracted investments businessmen – Aktobe Region. There now 9 large projects work for the sum of 17,3 billion tenges. In total at various stages there are 128 contracts GChP. It practically fifth part of all activity of regions.


the Convenient mechanism


that such state-private partnership and why the principle "is favorable to local authorities receive today – pay tomorrow", in detail already wrote .

Often the situation is reduced by

to that the businessman puts social object into operation, and then transfers it to the possession to the state. The state compensates investments spent by the businessman for an appreciable length of time, charging thus remuneration for management, compensation for investment expenses and compensation for operational expenses. The longest term of payments makes of already concluded agreements 30 years.

video surveillance System "Sergek" in Astana – one of the most expensive GChP-projects in Kazakhstan /

Benefit for the state it is easy for

Video surveillance system is not able to invest money in construction of tens social objects. The price tag of capital construction of schools, sports arenas and objects of culture varies from billion tenge and above, and akimam on places it is favorable to pay by installments.

The modern tennis center in Petropavlovsk

the Modern tennis center in the Petropavlovsk / Photo provided by investor

Often under contracts GChP rent or operation the state property, but without the right of the subsequent repayment. In 26 years of independence the quasi-public sector in questions of effective management did not come nearer to real sector. It becomes senseless to create the next GKP on PHV, it is simpler – to give to businessmen.

In Atyrau the private investor installed system of a street soveshcheniye

In Atyrau the private investor installed system of a street lighting / Photo is provided by investor

the Businessman thus does not receive high profitability. In several operating and enough large contracts additional payments or at all do not cover a predicted rate of inflation, or slightly it exceed. But payments from treasury according to the project of GChP are the guaranteed and protected transfers, they will be not reduced in case of shortage by budgets. In government plans – to make contracts GChP a pledge subject for banks of the second level. While the question hung at the level of National Bank, but negotiations proceed.

the Turkish investor

Experience of Aktobe deserves attention. In the regional center at the end of 2016 made the decision to transfer ambulance service to the Turkish investors. They at the beginning of March, 2018 handed over new head station with garage and the dispatching center, bought 35 new ambulances, and until the end of it have to put into operation three more regional substations of a neotlozhka.

New building of the central station of ambulance

the New building of the Central station of an ambulance / Photo of

the General investments in a year made 3,5 billion tenge. Will return money investor through payment state orders. The local budget pays for each call of the ambulance of 12 thousand tenges. Till 2024 the Turkish investors have to receive from the state 3,9 billion

according to the head of Public health department region Kaliev Aset, transfer of such service to private hands happened in the republic for the first time. The whole 2017 Ministry of Health fixedly watched figures and statistics of work of the Aktyubinsk precedent.

The Call-center of service 103 Aktobe in the new building

the Call-center of service 103 Aktobe in a new building / Photo of

"The buildings, already constructed and future, are designed according to the international standards. We attentively studied experience of the Istanbul colleagues as in the modern megalopolis the service of the fast urgent help effectively works, – speaks Kaliev Aset. – It is possible even to trace a call of the patient which in a serious condition phoned and cannot report where it is. Efficiency was doubled almost, time of arrival was reduced by 50% fast only in one year. With start of regional substations this indicator, I hope, becomes the best in the country".

On a former place the station had even no garage for ambulances

On a former place at station was not even garage for Informburo ambulances /

the Investor already received the second contract (besides contracts GChP), now on trust management, it is also calculated till 2024. The representative investors Turmetov Bakhytzhan shows former station of ambulance in which at all there was no garage for cars, and doctors worked in Spartan conditions. After moving to the new building old it will be completely reconstructed according to modern standards and becomes regional substation.

By means of new technologies it is possible to watch not only transport, but also for to define where there is a patient

by means of new technologies it is possible not only to watch transport, but also to define where there is

"The Turkish businessman who participates in the project, in Kazakhstan does businesses since 1992. For it, honestly I admit, it is more social, image project. At it is both distributor networks, and businesses in several spheres, but he at a stage of negotiations with the management of the region emphasized that the positive assessment of simple Kazakhstan citizens, good memory of it will be the best award for it. In Istanbul in work of ambulance the American model and French is used, such mix was pleasant to the Kazakhstan party", – the director of Jana Tobe LLP told in interview.

the Child of three states

One more project of GChP with foreign participation became construction of the ice arena on 2,5 thousand seats. The sporting venue on the Kazakhstan earth the Czech company H%2BH builds Technica (the general contractor – the Kazakhstan construction company) on credit, allocated with the Slovak bank. Informally local officials nicknamed object "the child of three parents".

the Company spent

for construction of the arena of 3,7 billion tenge, till 2023 budget will return to it 4,5 billion. All this time the sporting venue will be in trust management of the businessman. After contract will cease to work, the state can transfer the arena to other businessman.


The ice arena plan to hand over by the end of 2018

the Ice arena plan to hand over by the end of 2018 years / Photos of

the Businessman Jan Hovan – the Slovak legionary, in the past – the hockey goalkeeper of the Pavlodar club "Irtysh". The goalkeeper who has become after completion of sports career by the successful businessman, is now the owner of clinic of laser eye surgery in Astana.

to the former hockey player it seemed to

of It of businesses insufficiently, and it began the big project on construction of ice arenas on everything to Kazakhstan. After object delivery in Aktobe the similar can appear in Aktau and Kostanaye. At least, the businessman Hovan together with partners actively participates in competitions of projects of GChP in these regions.

Sketch of the ice arena

the Sketch ice the arena / Material is provided by investor

"Our project it construction of the ice arena is not simple, – Jan Hovan assures. – After delivery we completely assume questions of operation and developments the sporting venue. The speech also not only about hockey, but about development other winter sports. We plan to invite experts from Europe for sports mentoring of the Kazakhstan children, and also training of local sports trainers. In an ideal on the basis of ice arenas we have to create modern sport academies where children simply will not play only sports, we will try that combination of study and sports presented to Kazakhstan generation of professional athletes".

Construction works were conducted without stopping and in the winter

Construction works were conducted without stopping and

Whether the international status, whether participation of foreign money oblige, but Akim Aktobe Region visits building regularly. Berdybek Mashbekovich Saparbaev regularly lifts a subject of the sports for children and young people, for certain the new object in the new residential district of the regional center "Batys-2" becomes architectural sight.

The new arena becomes decoration of the Aktyubinsk residential district Batys-2

the New arena becomes decoration of the Aktyubinsk residential district "Batys-2" / Photo of

Private interest – the general advantage

the Third large project – modern ophthalmologic clinic "To gift zharygy" worth 3,8 billion tenges. The center handed over with a pomp in December of the 2017th, and at the beginning of this year it started accepting patients via the mechanism of the guaranteed volume of free medical care (further – GOBMP).

Ophthalmologic clinic

Ophthalmologic clinic "To gift zharygy" /

the Private investor does not hide that went to partnership to develop own private clinic which works since 2012, and the new center of ophthalmology – its making part. Local officials reported that in the region the medical cluster develops, to create which Nursultan Nazarbayev charged several years ago.

The new center is created on the basis of modern private clinic

the New center is created on the basis of modern private clinic of the "Gift" / Photo of

according to the chief physician of clinic to Izolda Kalandiya's "Gift", the purpose – to compete with border Russian clinics which many years earned money on inhabitants of four western Kazakhstan regions.

In the center the separate block is provided by

In the center the separate block is provided for full diagnostics and inspection of patients

"Our prices are much more available today to

than quotations of the well-known Russian centers to full diagnostics and inspection of patients / Photo of

which will appear in the center, were not provided earlier in 4 western regions Kazakhstan. From the moment of start about 1,5 thousand patients received the help. It is invaluable experience for ophthalmologists. While our main competitors – leading ophthalmologic clinics Russian Federation, we have to prove to patients that we can treat not worse in Kazakhstan".

In the center already perform difficult operations which were available to aktyubinets in clinic of Russia

In the center provided a hospital on 60 patsinetov/

the Partnership of the new center with the state is planned by

agree to contract, the private investor can count on receiving 5,6 billion tenge if renders high-quality services and Kazakhstan will cope with the volume of patients at least from 4 regions.

Ophthalmologists work at the most modern specialized equipment

Ophthalmologists work at the most modern specialized equipment / Photo of

By recognition of the director of clinic to "Gift" Yeleuov Galymzhan, the format of the project of state-private partnership interested him from the very beginning. However, start of ophthalmologic clinic long time was coordinated and underwent numerous procedures from state agencies. As a result at it it turned out to construct the center less than in a year. The state helped investor to solve the main problem – a staff shortage.

In the center already perform difficult operations which were available to aktyubinets in clinic of Russia

In the center already perform difficult operations which were available to aktyubinets in clinics Russian Federation / to

"Now we have no problems with shots. According to contract Ospanov's names transferred us eye office of city hospital and chair of eye diseases of medical university. They to us moved in full strength, – Yeleuov Galymzhan shares in interview galymzhan. – It is very good option for ophthalmologists of the region, we created good base for the professional growth and researches. And I as at the businessman am not hurt by the head who will work at the up-to-date equipment and who will treat".

Near a complex there is a land plot which investor left under perspective development. With a growth of attendance it will be possible to construct one more clinical block on tens beds.

GChP not panacea

At all progress of Aktobe and some other regions experts ask not to give in to euphoria and not to think that state-private partnership can solve all problems. According to the vice-chairman of board of the Kazakhstan center of GChP Mataev Talgat, are not necessary for Kazakhstan for the sake of the next race of indicators of the reporting.

Kindergarten construction in Petropavlovsk kindergarten Construction in the Petropavlovsk / Photo of akimat of SKO

"Should be told

about quality of those projects which will be realized in regions, first of all. Figures areas and the cities actually different, somewhere have more than projects of GChP, somewhere it is significantly less than them. But it does not mean that anybody in this direction does not work, – Matayev is sure. – Another is important: while the most part of projects concerns the sphere of educations, the speech about those kindergartens which the state will not build any more for a budget account. Yes, it is GChP, but it is necessary to go further – it is necessary to look for new niches. Transfer to akimats on places of powers and budgets (it is a question of 300 billion tenge. – of the Bus ) means , in fact, one: neither Akim the cities, nor Akim of the rural district will not nod any more aside Astana and to speak – a pier, hands are tied, there is no money. State-private partnership has to go far inland, projects have to be realized not only in the regional centers, but also at the level of districts, auls, villages. Money is, but it is necessary to be able to spend correctly them".

This football center within GChP opened in the thrown shop

This football center within GChP Akimat of Aktyubinsk area
opened in the thrown shop / Photo

the Same clever technologies, according to Mataev Talgat, have to be realized only where on them there is a demand. It is necessary to put in a know-how only in demanded businesses. Any project of state-private partnership has to be interesting to three parties: to citizens, to business and to government bodies, differently it will turn out nothing.

"We have many stereotypes concerning the one who, to whom and that has to. Perhaps akimam it is worth making, as in Europe: to provide part of the budget on the solution of local problems and to ask citizens – what problems you want to solve first of all? Why not? We had historical barriers between citizens and the power, between state agencies and businesses, they should be broken. Recently the President suggested to build hostels through GChP, it after all too a big social problem not higher education institutions even, and the whole cities: the youth has no place to live after receipt in higher education institution. Problems of societies can be solved on a place, everywhere is not indifferent bizesmeny, it is necessary to find to them approach", – Mataev Talgat considers.

The specialized kindergarten for special children is constructed according to the GChP project

the Specialized kindergarten for special children is constructed according to the project of GChP / by

Progress of Aktobe and other regional leaders, according to the vice-chairman of board of the Kazakhstan center of GChP, are connected probably by that businessmen and local authorities find mutually advantageous interest in negotiations.