The broken nose to the police officer is condemned to Stavropol territory

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the Broken nose to the police officer is condemned to Stavropol territory

Today, 15:25 Incidents Ulyanov Ilya (NT) Photo :

Zelenokumsk district district court Stavropol territory sentenced to three years of imprisonment conditionally the man who broke a nose to the police officer after him detained for hooliganism, is reported in the press release of vessels.


"The drunk man were delivered in department by Ministries of Internal Affairs to make concerning it protocol. He started behaving aggressively and used foul language", - is spoken in the message.

Further the condemned hit

with the head on a nose of the police officer. At the victim recorded a change then opened criminal case.

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Sud also appointed a trial period in 3 years. The sentence did not enter in lawful silu.