Milyavskaya Lolita lost a voice during tours

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Lolita lost a voice during tours

At the popular singer Milyavskaya Lolita before performance was gone in Makhachkala

Having stepped on the stage, Milyavskaya Lolita suggested the audience to return tickets if performance is not pleasant. Milyavskaya Lolita told about it on air of radio" daily newspaper "Komsomolskaya pravda"". The matter is that medicine works not at once, Milyavskaya Lolita explained.
Now a voice Milyavskaya Lolita was already restored and she can act at full capacity.


Earlier it was reported that in Arbitral tribunal of the city of Moscow claim LLC "YELENA KIPER PUBLISHING I PRODUCTION" to the singer Milyavskaya Lolita and to News of Media media holding about protection of business reputation arrived. On April 11 - preliminary hearings.