To attention of citizens!

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Dear inhabitants of Kargopol district!

Administration of the municipal entity Kargopol municipal district reminds

to all inhabitants of the area that snowfalls and warming can cause education icicles and an uncontrollable descent of frost and snow from acting parts of buildings.

Dear citizens, be careful when pass near houses and office buildings, especially if on their roofs there are snow eaves, icicles. The descent of the snow weight which has accumulated on a roof is very dangerous!

Being in a dangerous zone, the person can get very heavy and dangerous injuries from falling snow and icicles and even to be lost.

to Owners of rooms of apartment houses where direct management of the house is chosen, we recommend to make in the shortest terms the decision at general meeting of owners of rooms of apartment houses on snow cleaning from roofs and periodic removal of icicles or to address in the organization rendering these services.

Timely dumping of snow and knocking down of icicles allow to secure pedestrians against a nekotroliruyemy descent from a snow and frost roof.