China and Nepal signed the agreement on restoration of a boundary post of Tatopani

@IA Sin'hua
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Kathmandu, 15 March/Xinhua / - China and Nepal on Thursday to Kathmandu signed the agreement on restoration of a post boundary controls Tatopani who was injured during an earthquake.

On the document China in Nepal Yu Hong and the secretary of Ministry finance of Federal Democratic Republic Nepal Shankar Prasad delivered the signature the ambassador to Adkhikari. The parties also agreed about hospital and school restoration in Nepal.

At the end of a signing ceremony Yu Hong noted that cooperation strengthening within an initiative "A belt and a way" and interactions in the sphere of construction of infrastructure answers the general aspirations of two parties. According to her, China is ready to continue to make a contribution to restoration and social and economic development Nepal.

to Adkhikari Sh. P. expressed gratitude China for given help, having noted that thanks to support China the parties will be able to eliminate bottlenecks in the field of construction of infrastructure and to improve coherence of two countries.