In Kungur the Public council on health care met the mayor

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in the Small Hall of administration Kungur members of Public council on health care met on March 14, 2018 the mayor.

Chapter of Kungur and City Council decided to congratulate public men on the work third anniversary. Did not stand aside and the chief physician of city hospital Kirillov V. V.. The meeting took place in an informal situation. The mayor suggested all to give some tea and to begin conversation.

the Meeting began

with presentation about Council work for these 3 years and speeches of the chairman of the board Vysotskaya V. A.. She told about council work for these three years.

Then permission to speak were asked by Kirillov V. V.. He thanked all members of Public council for work and told that it very much likes such cooperation: public men its all the time force "to move" and resolve issues which he did not see. And as the gentleman, he to each woman presented flowers.

Then Chapter of Kungur Gordeev S. V. handed over Letters of thanks to a number of members of council and thanked them for work.

on behalf of City Council Letters of thanks were handed over by the deputy of City Council Vysotskaya T. M.. She noted that if council worked 3 years, it means was born and got on feet. Now it is necessary to develop surely further.

to Tatyana Mikhaylovna also were handed over by Letters of thanks. Gordeyev , and later the assistant to the deputy Legislative assembly of Perm Territory Kleptsin S. V. - Obvintseva Tatyana , told that Tatyana Mikhaelovna for all these three years was the only sponsor competitions "For the benevolent attitude towards people" which carried out Public council, defining monthly the best doctor and the best nurse. For these three years Tatyana Mikhaelovna repeatedly gave help to medical institutions of the city. Only from large it is possible to remember the chlorination car for the pool of children's policlinic, 30 racks for droppers. Without speaking about trifles. As Kirillov V. V. told, Tatyana Mikhaelovna is his only rescue at a difficult moment. He addresses to it and finds support and the help. As was with the chlorination car, for example. Without it the pool should be closed. And such sums in budget were not. And so in everything.

To a meeting invited all members of Public council. And those who for various reasons left its structure. For example, Larissa Yeltysheva was the member of council but when became the mayor, it had to leave Council. Council public.

All present noted a merit Kobeleva Galina at which in 2014 the Public council was created, she headed then management of health care of Kungur. Council headed Berklund Ye. F.. Now Council is headed by Vysotskaya V. A.. Vaganova noted that the Kungur Council is one of the best in edge. She was supported by Kirillov V. V. and told that our council know in Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory and note its work as positive.

in medicine at us it is a lot of

of Problems, it is known by all. But if public men control and help workers of health care, the advantage will be everything.

Arapova Larissa, photo of the author

© News Kungur and Kungur district
the Public council on health care Kungur was created by
in February, 2015. 10 people entered it. After performance of all formalities, in April council got down to work. Its chairman it was elected Berklund Ye. F.. Meetings of council are held once a month. the Questions considered by council, are approved in respect of work which over is taken for all year.
B 2015 when council of the beginnings work nine questions were considered. These are medical examination results, work of day and round-the-clock hospitals, staffing of medical institutions, the situation analysis on medical care of participants of the SECOND WORLD WAR and home front workers, assessment of the situation with providing with medicines preferential categories of citizens, the making an appointment organization to specialists doctors and on researches, rendering paid medical services in city policlinics.
B held 2016 10 meetings and the Round table concerning opening in the city of a shelter for elderly people.
the Public council decided to enter competition "For the benevolent attitude towards people" and following the results of vote of patients to carry out rewarding of medical workers of 1 times month. The sponsor of it competitions became Vysotskaya T. M..
Also public council monthly carried out a reception of citizens on private matters.
Vysotskaya V. A. becomes
Since October, 2016 the chairman of public council, and Evgenia Frantsevna becomes the deputy chairman of public council.
During this time the council structure changed a little, its structure left Vidergold Kurt Ivanovich, Kobeleva Galina , Kovalchuk Oksana , Larissa Yeltysheva. Them replaced Kirillova Angelina , Tryastsina Julia , Obvintseva Tatyana , Bludova Tatyana .
B 2017 Council visited almost all healthcare institutions in Kungur and checked work of medical offices in kindergartens. An inspection carried out two methods: questioning - conversation with patients and personal observation. After check on each establishment the report which was provided on Public council and to the deputy chief physician of KGB Vshivtseva Ye. A.
the Majority of members of Public council on medicine is not professional medics therefore at visit of hospitals look at everything eyes of patients, ordinary citizens: whether it is easy for the person to be guided in hospitals, whether there are no turns, is how carefully and regularly tided up as the stock contains, whether on all doors there are plates and other.
Council notes
not only shortcomings, but also progress. For example, in October council estimated the conditions created in the round-the-clock hospital of KGB. Among all positions the appreciation of patients was received by the establishment personnel, for what the Public council noted hospital collective the letter of thanks.
of 26.12.2017 the Public council left with the offer to the chairman Kungur City Council of Perm Krai about rewarding of the best medical workers with letters of thanks Kungur City Council of Perm Krai. The awards ceremony took place on New Year's Eve, having become the real holiday for invited.