First "administrativka"

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- Officially to Kirov region two collection agencies are registered. This year we already brought one organization to administrative responsibility. But not from among what are under our supervision. It is the third-party organization which works at the region territory, - the head told today on press conferences Department of federal bailiff service on Kirov region Zhenikhov Sergei.

He emphasized that "while we in relation to two collection organizations which were in the register have no serious complaints". Thus added that, in connection with new function in service reconstructed work and entered into the staff of three employees.

- They are entered to provide supervising functions in relation to collection agencies. The activity proved and justified. I think that further we will continue this work, - the chief bailiff of area noted.

Journalists took an interest in

, whether is planned to increase the staff of police officers. The matter is that load of police officers-performers seriously increased. In 2017, on the average, on execution of everyone were on 3 thousand executive productions, while in 2016 — 2,5 thousand.

Total number of employees - more than one thousand. From them police officers-performers - 323 on area, answered Zhenikhov Sergei.

- concerning increase in number of employees of the speech does not go. The speech, on the contrary, about optimization and redistribution between territorial divisions of judicial police officers-performers. Where loading is maximum, there will be more redistributed from territorial administrations where loading is less, - Zhenikhov Sergei explained.

Sergei Zhenikhov
Last position: Head, Chief police officer (Department of federal bailiff service of the Kirov region)