additional resources for protection against floods - the governor are necessary for Khabarovsk territory

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Khabarovsk. March 15. INTERFAX-FAR EAST - On construction of protective dams and other hydraulic engineering constructions Khabarovsk Territory, to the victim of a large-scale flood in 2013, is required to 20 billion rubles, the governor of the region Vyacheslav Shport declared.

"In what complexity? " Development a water management complex Russian Federation in 2012 - 2020" on realization of antiflood actions is obviously not enough volume of the means provided on the FTP", - the head of the region at meeting with participation of the Deputy Prime Minister Yury Trutnev told where the results of work on elimination of consequences of a flood of 2013 were summed up and measures for minimization of threats in the future were discussed.


according to the governor, in 2018 on building of objects of the engineering are sewn up it is allocated about 4,7 billion rubles, including within regional programs - 3 billion rubles.

"At the same time requirement only across Khabarovsk Territory - about 20 billion rubles. The solution of a question on additional assignment federal budgets on these purposes" is required, - Vyacheslav Shport added.

According to him, first of all money are necessary for the region on completion of construction and commissioning in 2019 of Demba in Yuzhny administrativny Khabarovsk, and also on dam construction in Komsomolsk-na-Amure.

"Need making decision on the beginning of realization of the most important for us the first stage of engineering protection Komsomolsk-na-Amure. Extent (constructions - IF) - 17,1 km, budget cost - 7,4 billion rubles. The object is provided by the long-term plan of complex developments the cities", - Vyacheslav Shport specified.

in the Summer of 2013 settlements got to a zone of a flood in seven municipal areas Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-na-Amure, and also. More than 3,5 thousand houses, more than 8 thousand personal and country plots, 21,7 thousand hectares of farmlands were impounded. More than 47,5 thousand citizens of inhabitants were recognized by victims.