The prosecutor of Karabulak addressed municipal employees of administration with an explanation of an order of providing data on the income and expenses

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In the assembly hall of Administration of Karabulak took place a seminar meeting with municipal employees of Local government body City administration Karabulak city on a subject: "Topical issues of providing data on the income, expenses, about property, obligations of property character and filling of the corresponding form of the reference". At a seminar meeting the prosecutor of Karabulak Aushev Ruslan in detail explained gathered provisions of the legislation on submission of data on the income, expenses, about property and obligations of property character of the municipal employee, paid attention to arising violations, having allocated three of their versions: failure to provide, incomplete granting and providing doubtful data. According to him, incomplete providing information that is connected often with a carelessness of employees is most often observed. He warned against such violations which can entail undesirable legal consequences for the employee, in particular, dismissal from work.