About amicable cooling of officials to the rhenium project on Kuriles

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Despite all importance, grandness of the rhenium project, from officials of any real steps on support of this project is so made and was not. That stands behind official solidarity in the matter, there is zagadkoy


of Speech of the finance director of the rhenium Yakovleva Natalia at the press conference "Reniyevy Deadlock" which has taken place on February 26, 2018 in the press center of REGNUM


Ya I want to tell

also had to be allocated with 658 million rubles.

the Governor Sakhalin region Oleg Kozhemyako repeatedly wrote

with positive resolutions on the rhenium project. At last concerning need of support of this project in 2015 our meeting with the government Sakhalin region in expanded structure took place. Unfortunately, after discussion at this meeting the question did not move anywhere. Moreover, at the end of 2016 it is not known why there was an initiative Sakhalin region about that to delete a line of the federal budget for financing of this project. I do not know what motives of this appeal of the government Sakhalin region were, but Minvostokrazvitiya of the Russian Federation Sakhalin region moved towards administration, and this line Sakhalin region was excluded from the budget.

In April, 2017 the meeting in Minpromtorg of the Russian Federation which concerned financing of the project since the beginning of 2018 from the federal budget of 150 million rubles took place. Unfortunately, on enlarged meeting of Minpromtorg fears concerning economic and natural risks (zemlyatryaseniye) of this project were stated. The argument was also adduced that in Russia there are allegedly more profitable fields of rhenium. However, according to our data, such fields especially reconnoitered and proved, today in Russia do not exist. And not the fact that rhenium stocks on these fields will be profitable. Also it became clear that else to April meeting in Minpromtorg, in March of the same year, the plenipotentiary of the president on the Far East federal district Yury Trutnev made the decision on transfer of terms of implementation of the Federal program with 2018 for 2022.

the Rare Lands Magazine in 2016 wrote that the International scientific and practical conference "Rhenium, tungsten, molybdenum — 2016. Scientific researches, technological development, industrial application" "stated absence in our country of the mastered traditional sources of rhenium as most scarce scattered rare metal, and at the same time existence of rather wide range of natural and technogenic kinds of raw materials, perspective for its extraction, but demanding additional appraisal and an assessment. The operating enterprises operating copper-nickel, copper-zinc and polymetallic fields, and also sources of bitumens of oil and coal ranks first of all treat their number. Unfortunately, since 1993, that is more than 20 years, the problem of industrial development of the only thing in the world of a field of rhenium is not solved with accompanying In, Bi, Cd and other especially valuable metals, the active volcano presented by sublimates on the lake. Iturup, opened and studied by the Soviet and Russian volcanists and geologists headed by the academician Heinrich Semenovich Shteynberg".

When we understood that the budgetary financing becomes impossible or is removed for an indefinite term, we addressed in the Rostekh state corporation, having decided that it is their subject, and it has to them be interesting. They examined a package of documents which we provided, and as a result refused to us, having referred to the same reasons, as officials — risks and a long payback period — and refused to enter the project.

Also we are two years residents of the innovative center "Skolkovo", and participated in action for attraction of a grant of 200 million rubles with conditions 50 on 50. That is a half of the amounts of financing — it means of the investor, and other half — means "Skolkovo". We received five independent expert opinions with the appreciation of our project. But on grant committee we did not find understanding, and grant allocation to "Skolkovo" to us also refused.

Thus, despite all importance, grandness of this project, from officials of any real steps on support of this project it was not made.

Oleg Kozhemyako
Yury Trutnev
Last position: Deputy Prime Minister of Russia (Government of the Russian Federation)
Heinrich Semenovich Shteynberg
Last position: Academician (RAYEN)
Yakovleva Natalia