That take with itself in maternity hospital of the woman of the different countries of the world
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Any woman waiting for the kid prepares for a trip to maternity hospital and packs the things most necessary for this purpose. Seven women from the different countries of the world with support of the WaterAid organization decided to show the "emergency" bag and its contents. Results really strike.

Today we suggest to look at seven future mummies and at their readiness for appearance of the new family member.


Kheyzel of Shandumba, Hamakando's village, Monze, Zambia

Veshchi: a kidswear, diapers, a plastic basin and soap, sarong (national clothes), polyethylene for maternity koyki.

Diana Neyers, New York, United States of America

Veshchi: a musical player, massage oil with coco extract, lavandovy oil, gel with arnica extract, snacks, a bra for feeding of the child, the pillow, convenient clothes for mother, a kidswear and a blanket, toilet accessories, a mask for a dream, kniga.

Ellen Firi, Simulemba, Malawi

Veshchi: a small lamp (absence of electricity in hospital), polyethylene for a maternity bed, an edge for umbilical cord cutting, a rope for binding of an umbilical cord, a banknote in 200 Malawian kwacha on food, 3 saronga (national clothes) for mother and malysha.

Keti Shaw, Melbourne, Australia

Veshchi: toilet accessories, snacks, diapers, kidswear, clothes for mother, massage oils, grelka.

Klodin Razafindrabari, Vakinankaratra, Madagascar

Veshchi: a kidswear, cotton wool, hygienic laying, medical alcohol, diapers, a thermos, a bucket, kastryulka.

Dzhoanna Laurie, London, United Kingdom

Veshchi: diapers, a kidswear, snacks, clothes and a towel for mother, toilet accessories, a miostimulyator, hygienic laying, Apple iPad, a bottle for water, rascheska.

Agnes Noti, Iramba, Tanzania

Veshchi: a kidswear and a blanket, sarong (national clothes), a thermos, tea, soap, a ladle for water.