Callas put the mayor Tartu into place: in a question of cellulose plant it is necessary to proceed not from emotions, and from researches

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Kaja Kallas
of Kaja Kallas Foto : Rauno Volmar
the Mayor Tartu Urmas Klaas ( Party of reforms ) is sure by

that under Tartu you should not build cellulose plant, but his colleague on party considers Kai Callas in a different way.

After today's meeting of Party of reforms Delfi asked

Callas that she thinks of sensational cellulose plant, whose construction wants to forbid city council of Tartu.


told that at first it is necessary to conduct researches, and then already to make the decision, what to do farther. She emphasized that such decisions cannot be made, proceeding from emotions.

Earlier Urmas Klaas in interview of Estonian newspaper "Eesti Paevaleht" declared that the plant anyway will have negative impact on quality of water of the river to Emayygi and Lake Chudskoye : " It is unnecessary any research, these are the facts".

" Yesterday scientists emphasized that the condition of Emayygi and Lake Chudskoye will not turn from bad into the good. Then there is no sense to start conducting the researches, all follow-up activity will contradict the management plan water resources" — he told.