On the South Pole of Jupiter found a pentagram

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Atmospheric whirlwinds on Juno spacecraft Yupitere

Fotografii in infrared and visible light allowed to find unusual atmospheric whirlwinds on giant planet poles which form a pentagram. About the opening scientists from Italy and United States of America on pages of fresh issue of the Nature magazine.

At the major planet of Solar system the rotation axis practically is not inclined by

therefore from Earth it is heavy to make out its polar regions. But since July 4, 2016 when the device Juno reached a giant planet orbit, scientists received a set of new pictures. Among them there were also photos of polar regions in which astrophysics saw difficult structures from atmospheric whirlwinds. On the North Pole round one big whirlwind eight more address. The structure on the South Pole bears a faint resemblance to a pentagram: one central storm is surrounded by five. In pictures with an interval of 20 minutes till 4 o'clock it was visible that whirlwinds circulate, but do not disappear.

"This incredibly stable arrangement of so chaotic elements, – commented the coauthor of article Morgan of O'<"2>" on Nile , post-dock from the Chicago university. – We never saw anything similar".

Morgan O'<"2>" Nile was succeeded to find

in library the description of experiment in which physicists observed similar structures. They used streams of electrons to feign turbulent streams in not having viscosity 2D - liquids. Instead of mixing of streams in this liquid small whirlwinds which gathered were formed, forming symmetric cells, or "vortex crystals" in the center. Whether there is an analogy between these phenomena, just it is necessary to find out. Scientists are going to create models which would describe such behavior of the atmosphere of Jupiter.

Stable atmospheric storm of the impressive sizes found more than once

on giant planets. On Jupiter the most known of them is called the Big Red Spot. But what forces created and support such difficult structures on planet poles while it is not clear. They are not similar and to the hexagonal storm found earlier on poles of Saturn.