Italy will celebrate on March 8 with strikes for the rights of women

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Italy will celebrate on March 8 with strikes for the rights of women

to Italy the trade-union association Usb will stage on March 8 strike at 24 o'clock, having reminded the public of importance of fight against any forms of discrimination and violence over women.

In a national strike to Italy, dated for the International Women's Day, the largest trade-union associations of the country led by Usb will take part. Fight against any forms of discrimination and violence over women is one of the most important purposes of the Italian labor unions, representatives of Usb emphasize.
In particular, strike against discrimination of women will affect rail transportation. The high-speed trains Frecce will ply to Italy according to the schedule, and here the schedule other railway transports the countries can cardinally change because of a national strike Usb.
C 13 till 17th day to Italy will strike air carriers. Company Alitalia which is the largest air carrier Italy, warned passengers about possible change of the schedule of a number of flights in connection with a protest action. Also under the threat of failure occupations at schools and higher education institutions stay.
