Explaining Laws

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the Next meeting of Council of chairmen of representative bodies of municipalities at Regional Duma of Kostroma passed

on March 6 in Galich. Monthly parliamentarians consider a duty to leave to the cities and regions of area that in a working situation to inform legislation changes to inhabitants of the region.
Among the brought-up questions - population measures of social protection, transfer of some powers on municipal level, change of borders of settlements.

In particular, the vice-chairman of Oblastnaya duma Demenkov Sergei appealed to colleagues from municipalities to strengthen information and explanatory work with the population on implementation of regional social laws, such as the Law on support of the senior generation, on family escort of elderly people, and also on new measures of attraction of medical shots on the village.

at the end of 2017 is accepted the federal Program of development health care on which "lifting" will be able to receive not only doctors, but also paramedics who will come to work not only for the village, but also in "small" (on number) the cities. Deputies of Oblastnaya duma also.

the Chairman of profile State Duma Committee Andrey Ivanovich Bychkov informed municipal deputies on need till June 1 to staticize the description of borders of settlements, in connection with recently adopted amendments to the regional Law. He also told

how to areas there was an implementation of the Children's Gardens — to Children project which was carried out since 2012. "Now we should work over that to areas there was an increase in places in kindergartens for children of 1,5 years. Such requests arrive from parents" , - the chairman of committee on a state system and local government noted.

Also participants of meeting received explanations on changes in the federal legislation.

Andrey Ivanovich Bychkov
Main activity:Politician
Demenkov Sergei