On Taimyr procedure of early vote at elections President of the Russian Federation proceeds

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On Taimyr procedure of early vote on an election of the president of the Russian Federation proceeds

according to Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets NO. 1 TIC Krasnoyarsk territory (further – No. 1 territorial election commission), in the territory of Taimyr proceeds procedure of early vote at elections President of the Russian Federation.

Today, according to the chairman territorial election commission No. 1 Moysyuk Eugenie, voted about 300 people living in the Taimyr tundra it is rather far from polling stations, and also shift workers, the military personnel, polar explorers who carry out the activity in the remote and remote districts in the territory of Taimyr.

So, to venues of vote already executed five flights from 15 planned. Members of precinct election commissions visited places of a dislocation of the enterprises JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TAYMYRGEOFIZIKA", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TAYMYRNEFTEGAZ", trade points of the Ust-Avamsky tundra, operating frontier posts and the military units which are deploying on Cape Chelyuskin, islands Golomyanny and Average, a meteorological station of the island of News, a hydrometeorological station of Sopkorga. Departures will proceed till March 17.

Besides, on polling stations of the municipal area actively conduct works on reception of statements from voters at the choice of the polling station for vote in the territory Russian Federation. So, since February 25 inhabitants of the municipal area who live here without continuous registration, and also those who is going to leave from the territory in holiday, business trip or for other reason, can address to any precinct election commission for filing of application. Also it is possible to submit such application directly to territorial election commission No. 1 or in Multipurpose Center. There is even an opportunity to issue such application on Internet on the Uniform portal of State services. In any place it will be possible to make it till March 12.