The Russian team took the second place at a snow festival to Japan. Video reporting Yegoshina Eugenie

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the Russian team for the first time in 18 years was in the three of leaders at a snow festival to Japan. In the international competition on a snow sculpture Russians competed more than once, but above the fourth place it was impossible to rise. Far Easterners managed to break a situation. How our fellow countrymen could melt hearts of strict Japanese jury?

the Success of all without exception of participants of a festival depends on quality of the snow block. Bulldozers help to form huge preparations for future sculptures. They gradually, a layer behind a layer fill wooden forms with snow which then distribute and stamp manually. For this purpose workers go down in a cube of ten times.

it was not simple to

to Tame a two-meter block of snow to Far Easterners. Rules of competition strictly forbid to use electric tools in work. At the disposal of sculptors only shovels, scrapers, chisels and special graters.

In a Russian team three sculptors worked at once. Vladimir and Ekaterina Barsukovy from Khabarovsk and Omelyanenko Igor from Lesozavodsk. Artists admit that it is easier and more interesting to work with ice. To competitions Omelyanenko Igor took the first place in Nayoro. The truth there was necessary to offer health.

Omelyanenko Igor, sculptor (Lesozavodsk): "Health in Khabarovsk because there a terrible wind, it was cold suffered. To Japan … there it is comfortable,-5, it was normally worked".

the Snow abstraction "Spirits of the wood" was created by

for three days and took an honourable second place. The jury were subdued by ideal geometry of a beautiful legend of a flower of a fern which is protected by wood spirits.