Exhibition "Is pleasant to me": the artist from Germany arrived to Petrozavodsk to present the view of women

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on March 7 at 17 o'clock in Gallery of industrial history Petrozavodsk (Liteynaya Square, 1) will open exhibition the German artist Abendrot Valeria under the name "It Is Pleasant to Me" (video installation, object).

Abendrot Valeria – the German artist with the Russian roots. The central theme of works Abendrot Valeria – influence of traditional values on modern life. In installation "I like" (curiously that Russian is used in the name intentionally) Abendrot Valeria addresses to a female image and investigates a role of the woman in modern society through a prism of the Russian traditional culture. "It is pleasant to me" is first of all reflection about the roots, research of how unconscious centuries-old cultural experience influences personal and social identity.

the Female heart to heart talk, singing of national songs and conversation with the grandmother gather in a peculiar revelation and unostentatiously send us to such eternal values, as love, the house, the homeland, attachment, beauty. Deep psychological research of the artist intuitively brings to a surface collective and personal unconscious and raises questions of understanding of, roles of the woman in society, first of all, in Russian. Not casually the eye of the artist was fixed by an eternal pursuit of the ideal beauty standardized traditional, and after it – and popular culture.

Other bright, conscious and ambiguous medium for the artist in this series of works – the stylized kokoshnik, the Russian traditional female headdress of the XVI-XIX centuries. Then the form and design of this headdress indicated the status of the woman, her family tree, emphasized originality, a blagorodnost, and also about ten more various sense and interpretation made. In work Abendrot Valeria this attribute becomes a symbol and is used by the artist for identity search: examining a kokoshnik, we can understand a lot of things about ourselves the presents. To try on a kokoshnik never early and never late.

with Videoinstallyation's

will work in Gallery of Industrial history till March 29 daily except Monday from 11.00 till 17.00. Entrance free.


with the German artist will take place on March 16 at 18.00 in the Vykhod media center. Everyone, an entrance free is invited.


is more detailed about Abendrot Valeria and an event: https://vk.com/valeria_abendroth_ptz