Dog death: who and why destroyed and threw out dogs near Tuapse

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B Tuapse district is found
, performing work on "utilization", declare that they were destroyed according to the state contract, and accuse zoodefenders of persecution

detection of corpses of dogs near the settlement to Dere Gizel was declared by locals. According to messages of mass media, in burial there were some dead dogs and about 20 skeletons of victims of animals.

police officers Checking these message in Tuapse district Krasnodar territory near the route in a small ravine found corpses of animals, and also "the remains of a preparation and means for its introduction".


"During check it was established that contract was signed with firm on catching of homeless animals on catching and the maintenance of animals in a specialized place. However in violation of conditions contracts, the employee of the organization animals were destroyed. Police officers carry out a complex of necessary test actions, including with the employee taking direct part in destruction of dogs" — told in the press service of Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Krasnodar territory.

As managed to find out daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Krasnodar, the man who made "catching, an immobilization and a lulling to slip of vagrant animals", is the employee of LLC "Sluzhba Basya" from Rostov-on-Don, working under the state contract with the city hall Tuapse.

according to SPARK, LLC "Sluzhba Basya" is registered in Rostov-on-Don in 2007. The revenue for 2016 made 21,5 million rubles, a loss — 4,5 million rubles.
Company regularly acts as the supplier of services under state contracts: in 2014-2017gg. for the sum of 64,1 million rubles, in 2018 — 3,6 million rubles. The largest customers are Administration of the urban settlement Tuapsinsk of the Tuapse district, MKU "Department of City Construction and Municipal Economy" (Volgodonsk, Rostov region) and ADMINISTRATION OF THE CENTRAL INTRACITY DISTRICT OF SOCHI.

the Next state contract about LLC "Sluzhba Basya" was signed by administration Tuapse in January, 2018. For "Rendering services on catching of neglected animals with the subsequent utilization" the firm will receive from city budgets 1 million rubles (for not less than 567 heads).

the Owner and the director LLC "Sluzhba Basya" Sorokin Aleksey told that the works which have become the reason of scandal, were made according to the demand of administration of one of settlements near the settlement Shepsi.
According to him, corpses of animals were about the route near the settlement to Dere Gizel because of an overload of the car of the employee which before "liquidated large pack of the aggressive animals attacking people". To avoid road accidents, the man unloaded corpses 5 of the biggest of 35 killed of dogs behind whom planned to return later, the head of "Service Speaking in a deep voice" reported.

"salaries depend on quantity of the handed-over corpses of individuals the worker, everyone costs 150 rubles. Before utilization at the special enterprise where them consider, dead animals the veterinary service regarding existence of dangerous diseases — plagues surveys, tulyaremiya, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, rage and other" — Sorokin Aleksey added.

As the director explained to

LLC "Sluzhba Basya" that Krasnodar territory the firm works at the territory about 5 years. According to him, company is not engaged in shooting, but only in catching and "a temporary and final lulling to slip of the homeless, an immobilization and a lulling to slip of aggressive master's animals", and also utilization of corpses large and a small cattle and the dolphins who were lost because of accident and under other circumstances.

"Thus we observe all sanitary and epidemiologic standard requirements. At euthanasia we use the certified poisons which do not bring suffering to animals" — Sorokin Aleksey told.

He also declared

, Krasnodar territory against the staff of the enterprise "developed the real hunting".
"Zoodefenders pursue them, threaten, developed information persecution. I now collect documents, the facts for filing of application in court" — Sorokin Aleksey shared.

"We work with

only in a legal framework. We leave on cases of attack of dogs on people, we try to protect them from aggressive individuals. About it I also gave evidences to employees of police in connection with the fact of detection of corpses of dogs. Understand, we are not fleecers, and employees of companies on carrying out sanitary and epidemiologic works" — the head of "Service Speaking in a deep voice" concluded.

the Administration Tuapse — the customer of "utilization" of dogs — could not respond quickly to the requests of daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Krasnodar.

As appears from the state contract of the city hall Tuapse about LLC "Sluzhba Basya", rendering services is carried out according to the resolution of the governor of Kuban of April 7, 2014 No. 300 "About the statement of the Order of regulation of number of neglected animals in the territory Krasnodar territory".


In the text of this document it is separately emphasized that "the caught animals are delivered in point of the temporary contents (shelter) for their contents and the accounting of quantity". If they were not demanded within 20 days from the date of catching, is subject to sterilization (castration).


it is Separately emphasized that killing of neglected animals is allowed only in cases of the increased aggression posing threat to life and health of the person, presence of the general for the person and an animal of diseases, and also an incurable disease or a trauma incompatible with life (in case of confirmation by the expert in the field of veterinary science).