The Abkhazian RUPY will show profit in plans

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The Abkhazian RUPY will show profit in plans
At Ministry Republic economy Abkhazia exist already many years the so-called unitary enterprises which receive financing from state budgets and are unprofitable. Recently the Minister of Economics held meeting on a question of work RUPOV and charged to heads to work plans of developments. Destiny RUPOV started being discussed by

to Abkhazia in 2015. The cabinet was headed at that time by the prime minister Arthur Mikvabiya, it very actively undertook a solution of the problem of the unitary enterprises which heavy burden the countries lie on budget. However worked not for long, and in July, 2016 him dismissed , and subject RUPOV, appear, hanged for a long time. And now it again began to sound at meeting with their heads in the Ministry of Economics.

Should tell that each ministry has RUPY almost. And almost all of them, with rare exception, or completely unprofitable, or make the scanty profit incomparable to funds for their contents. the Minister of Economics Adgur Ardzinba reported

that since 2015 work on RUPAM was constantly conducted. At the first stage together with Control chamber an inspection which revealed a large number of the violations connected with inefficient use of the state property and opacity of activity of these organizations was carried out. Check allowed to define all list of problems which there exist and developed decades. Adgur Ardzinba tells:

"We carried out the corresponding work that to correct the most part of the revealed violations. At the following stage it was necessary to understand that to do with the enterprises which on the profile any more did not keep anything except territories and half-ruined buildings, such as the Sukhumi confectionery, tobacco factory. It only on paper confectionery and tobacco factory, and upon – the overgrown territory and the destroyed buildings. Anything that would speak about their direct profile, there did not remain therefore the decision to transfer these enterprises and these territories to the State committee on management of state property" was made. the Ministry of Economics in 2016 had

20 RUPOV. Nine of them according to the cabinet decision of March 30, 2017 transferred to the jurisdiction of the State committee on management of the state property and privatizations, and 11 remained on balance of Ministry of Economics.

the State COMMITTEE PO ADMINISTRATION OFFICE GOSUDARSTVENNYM IMUSHCHESTVOM and privatizations while resolved an issue only two of nine. By "Abkhazvino" it is already privatized, and on Gudautsky car repair plant all documents are prepared and transferred to Cabinet of Ministers. On the rests search of investors and potential owners is conducted.

From 11 RUPOV, responsibility for which still lies on the Ministry of Economics, the most difficult situation at "Chernomorenergo". He neither cannot be brought to profit, seemingly, nor to transfer to private hands, especially, to liquidate.

according to the Ministry of Economics for 2016 (neither on a site of Ministry of Economics, nor on a site power engineering specialists have no fresher data), the income of "Chernomorenergo" made about 439 million rubles, and expenses – 605 million rubles, working more than one thousand people, salary fund – 182 million rubles, and gross profit – a minus of 165 million rubles were registered. Problems of "Chernomorenergo" are connected with big wear of electric equipment and networks, with the high cost of all carried-out works and with chronic debts of the population on consumption payment.

are Impressed by a situation at the Abkhazkhleb enterprise. By data besides for 2016 (fresher information is not present), 220 people, the area – 16 million sq.m, average salary the employees – seven thousand rubles, annual fund of a salary – 18 million rubles there worked. Income – 62 million rubles, expenses – 60 million rubles, taxes and payments in budget – 7 million rubles.

U of one of the largest construction state companies "Apsnyrgylara" in 2016 the income made 251 million rubles, and expenses – 280 million rubles, "profit" – a minus of 29 million rubles.

At the organization of "Abkhazvtorresursa" who is engaged in preparation, processing and salvage realization, in 2016 the income made 93,5 million rubles, and expenses – 87 million rubles, net profit – 5,5 million rubles, too not particularly how many.

Can please unless "Abkhaztop" who successfully is engaged in realization of fuels and lubricants. In 2016 its income made 107 million rubles, an expense – 61 million rubles, and profit – 38 million rubles.

From 11 RUPOV only one – "Abkhazkniga" – is at an elimination stage. All the others are not written-off yet, and the Ministry of Economics tries to bring them out of a crisis state.

Adgur Ardzinba gave examples of those enterprises which could get out on a way of developments:

"For example, "Abkhaztop" who in 2015 had debt to 80 million rubles, for this period this debt was blocked fully. Moreover, the enterprise came to profit which is estimated in tens of million rubles, and now by means of these means reconstruction of eshersky oil depot is carried out. It is possible to give work of the Sukhumi dairy plant which in 2013 ceased to function as an example, it was frozen, and now the enterprise resumed the activity, dairy products which extends, planned to pull out some more positions let out a ruler. Here such work as a whole if to speak about the second stage".

At the third stage are costed by a task of all enterprises on the basis of the available analysis to make the general vision of the plan of work on prospect. The Minister of Economics considers that to keep on the budgetary financing it is necessary only those enterprises which have for the country a strategic importance, such as "Chernomorenergo" and "Abkhaztop". They are a basis of fuel and energy safety. The same enterprises which those are not and do not make profit, have to make in short terms well calculated business plans on which realization will be dug up resource.

Elena Zavodskaya

Echo of the Caucasus
