The former general director Izvestiya publishing houses daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" is arrested on suspicion in fraud

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the Former director general Federal state unitary enterprise publishing house "Izvestiya" Galumov Erast is arrested by

till March 14.

He was detained by

in a hall Lefortovsky district court of Moscow which adopted the relevant resolution.

According to information of the press service of vessels, Galumov Erast passes on criminal case, which was heatedly as regards 4 articles 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation ("Fraud in especially large size"), transfers Life.

it is thus noted by

that meeting of vessels took place in the closed mode. On it materials of Investigative management of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation were considered.

Galumov Erast — the political scientist and the economist. Candidate of Economic Sciences, the doctor of political sciences, professor, the author of books and scientific works in the field of the theory of communications and image of the state, the member of the union of writers Russian Federation, the member of the international community of the literary unions, the member of public council of SK Russian Federation. Full member of Academy of military sciences, colonel reserve officer. Earlier headed Izvestiya publishing house daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya".