The drunk man astride the refrigerator went behind an additive and ran into a penalty

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of only exotic vehicles were not invented by the person — happen even, it appears, self-propelled refrigerators! The owner and the equestrian of one such wonderful car condemned the other day for a drunk driving in New Zealand.

on December

Vecherom 9, 2017 police officers of New Plymouth (the region Region of Taranaki, New Zealand) saw on the carriageway the motorized refrigerator with the man sitting on it with signs of alcoholic intoxication. His cops tormoznuli also blew: the device showed more than double excess of admissible level of the content of alcohol in exhaled air. The violator, the 35-year-old local by the name of Lani Lewis Hunt, also did not deny that it as it became clear took alcoholic beverages, and on the refrigerator, went to shop behind an additive and cigarettes. To it and to mind did not come that he makes something illegal and that the driving on the refrigerator can represent any danger to other participants traffics and will interest police.

last Tuesday administrative case of Mr. Hunt was considered by

in district court New Plymouth: he was found guilty of drunk driving without the rights and sentenced to a penalty of 500 New Zealand dollars (these are about 20 800 rubles in translation at a current rate).

of the Photo: New Zealand Police