"Have to nothing": at theater of Dzhalil offer the Tatar performances "watch recorded"

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As the Afro-American singer Linch Lester vainly protected national art from the deputy director of the Kazan opera Larionov Youri

the Interesting format — announcing press conference about action in its heat — organizers of the Shalyapinsky festival tested the day before. One of art directors of Dzhalil Larionov Youri became the main hero of a meeting with journalists. According to him, the Kazan opera "survived all" of competitors in the Old World, has what "is not present at anybody", and Republic of Tatarstan in Central Europe" bears "culture. Correspondents watched "Online BUSINESS" a stream of consciousness of the colleague Raufal Mukhametzyanov business e-newspaper "Business Online".

Yury Larionov who has declared that the Kazan opera to the Main hero of a meeting with journalists became Larionov Youri, declared that the Kazan opera "survived all" of competitors in the Old World


the Opera singer from States reflects that the authentic Tatar opera could be interesting to the foreign viewer, and the deputy director of the Tatar academic state theater objects it, say, is not present, is interesting to nobody. Plot from the movie scenario in a genre of the eccentric comedy? No, the concrete moment of press conferences, passed the day before in "Tatar inform".

Appeared so entertaining meeting with journalists was devoted by

to the Shalyapinsky festival . Usually such actions take place on the eve of event start, and their purpose — to tell about the poster, the main characters, forum highlights. By yesterday on Shalyapinsky passed four festival evenings, so definite answer on a question "and that actually gathered? " on a course of communication with the press it was not given. But there was a great number of speakers the main thing from which there was Larionov Youri which on a site of the Kazan opera it is proud is called as "the deputy director for sales of tickets". His boss Raufal Mukhametzyanov ignored a meeting, however Larionov Youri skillfully replaced the associate, it so long works in team of the present chief of theater of. Dzhalilya that, apparently, completely adopted at the last a speech and gesticulation manner, and also style of communication with a shade of easy neglect.

"the 36th Opened... When I call this figure – the 36th, constantly operating, opera festival of a name of Fedor Shalyapin. It, certainly... Because I do not trust in it – 36 years as years go quickly. Because it not simply ballet, but the opera festival — educated journalists of the deputy director. — That, as for an opera genre, is very difficult genre. And that such interest was within 36 years, and undying, it, probably, it is necessary to try to lift joint efforts this festival on such height that the audience occupied turns from two o'clock in the morning. Such was not and is not present at anybody". What exactly "was not and is not present at anybody", but is at the Kazan opera, the speaker did not report. Probably, around the world never and anywhere there was no excessive demand for tickets — only to Kazan and only at the Shalyapinsky festival. However, it was thought that if at theater of Dzhalil there was a normal transparent electronic system of sales of these tickets (for what, by the way, Larionov Youri) answers just, night turns could be avoided.

were followed Further by a question of the moderator of a meeting of what the present festival differs from 35 previous. "To us constantly ask this question. I answer: know that? The counter one is the 36th festival! You understand? And behind it there is a huge work. We do not chase any innovations that to us paid attention. We in Central Europe work the 25th year. There anybody is not present. That in such quantity and such quality passed tours of our theater, no. Were. In total survived" — Larionov Youri with feeling of special pride told. Let's remind for those who is not aware that the opera theater in a year spends some months in Europe, mainly to Netherlands where manages to give on 30 "Traviat" or "Carmen" in 30 days in 30 cities. Usually on each trip there are also big cities (it seems Amsterdam or Rotterdam) where it is given on one representation, but all rest of the time — is mainly provincial small towns with the population in 100-200 thousand people which names tell nothing to the Russian inhabitant. Though is not present, is we will tell the settlement of Gaud (71 thousand inhabitants) which name was immortalized by the cheese of the same name.

"All survived" — are told by Larionov Youri, probably, it means that in deprived cultural Dutch "agryzy", "nurlaty" and "yutazy" there comes only one professional opera and ballet troupe — from Kazan. It is necessary to guess only, as suffer Gergiev Valery (Maryinsky Theater) or Teodor Currentzis (The Perm opera) that their troupes cannot go on tour in Gouda where Mukhametzyanov and Larionov Youri manage. It is necessary to one to do the Moscow easter festival, and to another to conduct premier performances at the Salzburg festival.



Passed by day today's. Journalists asked: why a premiere of this year — it not the new name in theater repertoire, and change of old performance "Nabukko" on new. "It is the principle of management of theater – classical operas interest to which does not die away and which a little, smart music... How not to stage this opera? It simply festival of soul! Is what to sing" – Larionov Youri explained. Further colleagues poiteresovalis possibility of emergence on Shalyapinskom-2019 of the opera Akhiyarova Rezeda "Syuyumbike" which premiere is planned for next fall. The long pause followed. "I cannot tell. It is not put yet. The tradition — to begin a festival with a premiere — at us is. At us and "Dzhalil" went to Shalyapinsky's time, and "Tukay" ( the opera "Love of the Poet" of an editor's note ) went. Quite probably", – not absolutely surely answered deputy Mukhametzyanova. "The feeling of novelty has to be present. It is a holiday. We have to watch it", – said then Larionov Youri that also did not clear a situation.

"Why in the poster of a festival of this year there are no Tatar operas? Considering all history which has arisen round the Tatar language, the opera theater could bring the contribution in its promoting. Especially and in the name of theater there is a word "Tatar" — "Online BUSINESS" asked a question business e-newspaper "Business Online" told another: "I already answered this question". "You did not answer. You told that in the program of a festival there were Tatar performances. Then remind when they were? " — question continuation was such. "I answered. You do not hear simply. You do not hear" — as if the deputy director for sales of tickets said a mantra. Persistent attempts of our correspondent to receive the distinct answer to accurately question posed were not crowned with success. "I repeat: what to speak to me on this subject? I told, the feeling of novelty has to be! You listen to that I speak. What for?. I have nothing to tell more. Forgive" – Larionov Youri passed to the increased tone.

It is visible a little to lower discussion degree, the moderator of press conferences intercepted an initiative and connected to conversation of one of participants of the Shalyapinsky festival, the American baritone Linch Lester , in its asset there are performances in the La Scala. It was big in every sense and very charming person ("And here for "a festival of voices" it is necessary to recognize by a catch remarkable Linch Lester — Amonasro. With its emergence on a scene for a while there was The Phantom of the Opera, the true verdiyevsky style, and actor's game of not so conditional force" — such assessment in "Aida" at a festival of 2015 the reviewer business e-newspaper "Business Online" "Online BUSINESS" ). Unfortunately for art directors of Dzhalil, the question concerned again a national subject: Whether "It was possible to you to Kazan to hear the Tatar music – classical, modern, national? " "Unfortunately, I have many parties, and I should work much over them. And for this reason I often do not know even the most popular songs which listen now in America. Certainly, being here, being at restaurant, sometimes I manage to hear the Tatar melodies, the Tatar songs, but I yet had no opportunity to study them in more detail" — the intelligent guest because of the ocean answered.

"Would like to return to the Tatar subject. You speak, there is no novelty... " – again business e-newspaper "Business Online" addressed to Larionov Youri. "I did not tell such that novelty does not suffice", – the deputy director answered it. "You told that novelty therefore the Tatar operas do not go" is necessary — our correspondent continued, remembering the answer of the speaker to the previous question. "I such did not tell... Is not present" — our interlocutor easily refused the words. And how opportunity to show to the same mister Linch Lester our national art? "In record is. Can watch recorded. I told: we begin – tradition – with premieres. The prime minister Tatar is not present" — told how Larionov Youri cut off.

– And why they are not present? — dialogue proceeded.

– Will be.

– But it is not enough – only three Tatar operas ( third — "Syuyumbike" — just prepares for statement - of an editor's note ) in all repertoire of theater.

– Who told? This your personal opinion.

is not my personal opinion.

– If you directed theater, you would have such opinion. On the place you such opinion, at us have such opinion. Understand?

– But you have to work for interests of the republic...


– have to Nothing.

–... as exist on the budget money.

– We also work.

– you – the Tatar theater — reminded again business e-newspaper "Business Online" of the theater name of Dzhalil.

– We also work. There will be a premiere in three months.

is an opinion of the public that three Tatar performances are a little — we will remind that operas "Dzhalil" and "Love of the Poet" appear on a scene of the Kazan opera at most one-two times a year.

is your personal opinion.


A then Larionov Youri exploded. There was it after our question of the conflict concerning posters on a facade of the building of theater to executive committee Kazan about what business e-newspaper "Business Online" wrote . "You know that, I can answer this question, but I want that on art we here talked, – Larionov Youri was wrinkled. – We came to speak about art! You understand? There is a wish that you asked questions of art. It is such block! About what it is possible to speak? You which time ask a question, and I to you am surprised: you in general with whom came to a meeting? You with creative people came to a meeting. Let on creativity speak, misters! Same such block, I speak! Really there is nothing to speak? To directly strange me! "

I here creative "the deputy director for sales of tickets" were helped out by Linch Lester. "I can tell? " – he addressed to the moderator.

"I want to add with

the answer of the director [Larionov Youri] theater on your question concerning the Tatar operas, – the singer addressed to the correspondent business e-newspaper "Business Online". – There was time when we executed "Queen of spades", "Alecko" and even the German operas in English. Even "Songs and death dancings" we too executed in English. And now, when we had an opportunity to hear these operas in the original – in the Berlin state opera, in Munich or in the La Scala, it is very interesting to us to learn these works in Russian. To United States of America did not become with them so closely acquainted. These works are written in original language. I think, it will be much more important if the Tatar opera is staged here, at the Shalyapinsky festival, and there will be a partnership with Ministry cultures Republic of Tatarstan who would offer such opera in theaters Europe or America that these operas were shown on a world scene. That it was wider, than it is simple to show here, at a festival in Republic of Tatarstan. That all of us could hear these operas. Therefore I think, your Minister of Culture should throw this idea to offer cultural partnership with other countries of the world. Thus, these wonderful works will extend. In the original to present in world space Republic of Tatarstan".

So unexpectedly the Tatar culture got support because of the ocean. "How you consider, it will be to interestingly European or American viewer? " – the specifying question business e-newspaper "Business Online" followed.

"Certainly! Certainly! Why is not present? ! In the XX century many awful operas which, unfortunately, are executed were written. Certainly, in the world very much love the Russian opera and any work which is related to Russian Federation, would be to interestingly western viewer. Especially, when it something new and special – that differs from that we already heard. I cannot present at all that these [Tatar] operas written in romantic style, would not be accepted! Really, it would be decoration of our repertoire. We would be glad to them as well as other Russian composers. I think, it would be very interesting to people to hear local works" — the singer told.

A that a baritone Linch Lester, singing in the opera in the Tatar language — looks very much intriguingly. By the way, all this time one more participant of the Shalyapinsky festival Lakita Mitchell accompanied words Linch Lester the remarks "yes, yes".

Lakita Mitchell accompanied Lynch's words the remarks Lakita Mitchell accompanied words Linch Lester the remarks "yes, yes"

"24 YEARS we go BY the TOUR, we CARRY, TAKE SAME"

But Larionov Youri decided "to reject pressure" of starry-eyed dreams of the guest from States. "I will debate a little bit with Linch Lester. You know, what? Generally 24 years we go by a tour, we carry, take same, – he burst out laughing. – Though speak the director of theaters: "Give something brand new! " Here meeting at them comes, make, what performances need to be shown to the viewer. And all the same they take "Swan", "Nabukko", "Rigoletto", "Traviata". Same! New they do not want anything, therefore, why? Because they know that if this classics bring, tickets will buy up. And all other new — are afraid to risk". And further the deputy director of theater of Dzhalil gave an example with "Queen of spades" whom the Kazan opera cannot "push through" on foreign tours in any way. By the way, exactly a year ago, when to Kazan showed a premiere of the new version of "Queen of spades", the director Mukhametzyanov victoriously declared that to performance there is a huge interest of foreign impresarios.

A further Larionov Youri few times blabbed out. "Who carries? Maryinsky, Bolshoi theater? Well, the Bolshoi theater in general now does not go by a tour, it is not enough. Go on theater. Through theater it is possible to sell the Russian opera. And if people know theater a little, it is difficult" — that is, it turns out, what theater of Dzhalil actually do not know therefore "through theater" it is impossible to sell the Kazan performance, and local buyers demand only concrete "Traviata" or "Rigoletto"? And further the speaker offended all the Dutch audience at once: "Simply do not know [the Russian operas], illiteracy. Goes, generally Verdi, certainly. It by experience of our tours abroad"

However, Mr. Linch Lester did not give up: "Yes, it is unconditional, such situation is observed around the world. And it is remarkable that there are such great works as "Nabuko", "Traviata", "Aida", "Porgi and the Demon", the "Queen of spades", all the others. It, really, outstanding works. But, it seems to me, would be remarkable to acquaint the viewer with something new. Solution of the problem of a lack of the Tatar operas in theater repertoire of Dzhalil I see one – to do them really bright, interesting to the whole world. And it is obligatory to put in original language. To acquaint the viewer with the new – a task hard as the public is not always ready to it. But it would be remarkable! "

it is interesting to

that in the end of a meeting Larionov Youri asked about economic feasibility of foreign tours. And in reply the deputy director for sales of tickets did not exclaim any more "let on creativity speak, misters! same such block", and answered a question. However, all answer was a tirade about greatness of theater which its present management once lifted from ruins. "It know abroad. Such it was impossible to imagine! The opera and ballet theater one made so much, any your ministry did not make how many. All the time flashes: "Shtatsopera of Tatarstan". It is advertizing, first, the republics... We bear culture Republic of Tatarstan in Central Europe! 24 years! " — Larionov Youri was boiled. In this regard it is necessary to remind that business e-newspaper "Business Online" told about summer "chese" ballet troupe of theater of Dzhalil on France under the mysterious name Opera National de Russie in which is not present words about Republic of Tatarstan.