The internal political block is adjusted on efficiency

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Four committees Administration of the Leningrad region and "GKULO "GEIRZ"", Leningrad region on domestic policy Perminov Sergei, carried out on February 7 joint board, having considered the main results of work past year and key tasks on 2018.<"12>"

"The board for the first time took place in such format, but time promptly contracts, and we have new calls and decisions. Every day we interact with inhabitants, institutes of civil society, with "second", "fourth" and with all other branches of the power, and our work is estimated constantly by to whom we contact. Year 2017 was very successful, all planned objectives are achieved, but 2018 will be not less saturated, interesting and difficult, and he will demand from each of us still bigger, new efficiency" — Perminov Sergei noted.
among priority tasks which face block structures this year, development of decisions and maintenance of administrative reforms on transformation of an administrative contour of the subject of Federation, search of even more productive weighed decisions in the sphere of the international and interfaith relations and questions of transformation of media space of the subject, in the market of outdoor advertizing were called br assistance to carrying out up to standard, without failures of elections of President of the Russian Federation on March 18.

"We also have to increase the pace and work scales with noncommercial sector and socially focused partnership. In the sphere of external relations serious work is conducted, to us important and further not to miss new opportunities, including the economic sphere. Control activity has not to lose the efficiency, objectivity and scale, taking into account clear request of society for open dialogue with the power about any exciting problems" — the vice governor added.

the staff of committees on local government, the international and interfaith relations, external relations took part In board, to the press and public relations, control and auditing committee of the governor Leningrad region and "The state expert institute of the regional legislation". Letters of thanks of the governor Leningrad region and the vice governor on domestic policy are handed over to the workers who have been marked out following the results of in 2017.

the Press secretary of the vice governor
Leningrad region on domestic policy
Roman Podervyansky
(812) 274-44-16