Round Iceland in 7 days
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"In an amicable way to look at all Iceland, is necessary 2-3 weeks. Then you will have enough time to go round all western part of the country known for the fjords, and to take a walk in the central part where there are glaciers and national parks. But if at you on hand only standard holiday from 7 days, you need unambiguously to take the car and to go on the district road Iceland — it is the most widespread tourist route on which you will be able to see on slightly from everything that this various country" can offer — specially for Bigpikchi Kurganova Maria tells .


1. We started in Reykjavik and went to the North. The plan was to go on the ring road, only sometimes moving down from it to look at in advance planned places. We passed about 300-500 km a day. Length of ring roads makes about 1400 km, thus its most part is asphalted also very high quality. Only in east part and at congresses we had to go on graviyu.

2. The western peninsula, or Region of Westfjords, very big, and it is necessary to allocate for it some days. We reached only to Stikkiskholmyur on the peninsula Snayfedlsnes — it is the small beautiful town where it is possible to rise easily by fjords, to look at a beacon and Atlantic okean.

3. If you go across Iceland and suddenly see any alien construction, most likely you look at local church. The situation inside thus, as well as in the majority of Lutheran churches, looks quite frostily and modestly. We found this church in the city of Blendyuous.

4. In "the northern capital" Iceland, Akureyri, the main sight also is the local church. About its relation to religion it is possible to guess only on towering over an entrance krestu.

5. Landscapes in the north remind Iceland

6. Godafoss — the first large falls met by us on a route. "The falls of God" look not so terribly as Gods from local mythology, on the contrary, in it are something pacifying, giving the chance to experience all surrounding krasotu.

7. The lake Mivatn — a favourite place of tourists. It is rich with fish, here it is possible to dive, around is full of hotels and farms where it is also possible to remove komnatu.

8. Near Mivatn there are hot springs and deposits sery.

9. Sulfuric water has an awful smell of rotten eggs, but looks very beautifully thanks to the gentle blue to color and covering it paru.

10. Krafl's crater: the frozen lava covered with snow, hypnotizes the shining turquoise color. However the wind forcing down from feet will not allow you to admire long this krasotoy.

11. Having passed is slightly farther from the first crater, it is possible to see one more, pomenshe.

12. The most impressive show represents falls Dettifoss . Feeling of that you just about will get to absolutely other world, arises already on a way to it: you go some kilometers on road round which there is nothing, except gravel, boulders and fog. From a parking it is necessary to pass kilometer on the path noted by tags before you will appear at the falls which height is only 9 meters less than height of Niagarskogo.

13. Literally in kilometer from Dettifoss there are other known falls, Selfoss.

14. Rainbows in Iceland — absolutely everyday occurrence which we met in day several times in different mestakh.

15. In the West of the country there is a small town Seydisfyordyur. It is located at the gulf leaving to the Atlantic Ocean, and surrounded with mountains. It is difficult to present, than locals in the city with 2-3 streets and 1 bar, but for divers there a real paradise are engaged. In 1944 the English tanker which lies now at a depth of 40 meters in Seydisfyordyur's gulf here sank. Still this city is known for production own beer which called just in honor of the sunk El Grillo tanker. By the way, the grandson of the founder of this brewery now works as the bartender in the local bar with same nazvaniyem.

16. Quality of the main roads in this country deserves not smaller attention, than mountains going along it, fields, pastures and etc.

17. We seldom tried to read the name of the city to which went. But, the benefit, also was not necessary to us as everything, even small, roads in Iceland have number, and indexes meet surprisingly often so to get lost here difficult. Thus here signs which you hardly will meet to Russian Federation and which forced us to laugh more than once come across: low flying plane, strong wind, slippery it is expensive, the rider, stones falling from mountains and, certainly, all species of animals meeting here.

18 . "Mobile house" — look often meeting here transports. Many tourists hire them and so puteshestvuyut.

19. In Iceland there are no high fences and vicious dogs. The only fencing which we met — is a low barbed wire energized which should not allow to animals to get out on road. But all of them equally in it do, and we had to stop more than once the car to allow a couple of sheep to rise from asphalt and imposingly to depart in a ditch. And here to come around on the private territory to approach closer any falls — business normal. Sometimes owners left to be thrown with us a couple of words, sometimes simply ignored ours prisutstviye.

20. Iceland — an excellent place for development of extreme driving. Even despite quality of the most roads, we had to get to situations which could end it is very deplorable. For example, to go on the mountains in the fog, allowing to see only on meter forward, or to turn aside from thick as a wineskin with wine, the birds who are unexpectedly taking off from a ditch, and once the car led so that seconds of 10 us threw here and there, the benefit on roads here always pusto.

21. Iceland is famous for the undersized horses who nevertheless cannot be considered a pony. To ride them — one of the main tourist entertainments, but to make it spontaneously it will not turn out. To horse campaigns go groups and for all day, it is necessary so to agree zaraneye.

22. On all beaches here only black sand. You should not swim in the Atlantic Ocean because of strong waves (we checked), but for a fulling of the fool here huge prostor.

23. To distinguish wild animals from house here it is difficult: anybody does not watch them, herds are grazed along the main roads and, apparently, are completely provided sebe.

24. Iceland — the beautiful country for a hayking. Here everywhere there are campings in which it is free or for a small payment it is possible to spend the night. But even if you plan to be limited to walk for a couple of hours, it is better to be prepared and put on tracking boots and waterproof clothes — they here is exact prigodyatsya.

25. Water in road took from under the crane or in springs — both there, and there it pure and is suitable for pitya.

26. It is possible to see a deer in couple of meters from itself here too. We were lucky — we met whole stado.

27. Ekyulsaurloun — a glacial lagoon in the southeast of Iceland.

28. It is possible to take excursion to such ship with wheels which will bring you by land to a glacier, and then on water in its central chast.

29. One more alien landscape with traces of wheels on gravii.

30. In the spring when snow actively thaws, streams of thawed snow fall from mountains and turn in big and small vodopady.

31. The cape Herleyva — an excellent place for a hayking. The most convenient track is providently designated by tags so to get any upward will be able. Above there is a tomb of one of the first inhabitants of Iceland, on a legend, the stepbrother Ingolf Arnarson, the founder Reykjavik. And certainly, the unforgettable look on Atlantic okean.

32 from there opens. So the cape Herleyva sverkhu.

33 looks. The falls Skogafoss can be examined from different points: to the right of it there is the ladder conducting up on an observation deck. And near its foot there is a camping where it is possible to stop with palatkoy.

34. Look with viewing falls Skogafoss.

35. The largest geyser in Iceland and is called, "Geysir". He can throw out water on height to 60 m thanks to what became the most known in Europe. However the most part of time it is in hibernation, and tourists crowd at his younger colleague, a geyser Strokkur who throws out water on only 20 m, but everyone 5 minut.

36. As well as in the majority of the Icelandic cities, in Reykjavik the most known sight is the main church, Hatlgrimskirkya. It is faced by a monument to the founder of the city of Ingolf of Arnarsonu.

37. View of Reykjavik with viewing in Khatlgrimskirkya.

38 church. Ingolf Arnarson's boat in Reykjavik.