Court in Sosnovoborsk: The mayor against the people

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the Journalist of visited the next meeting Sosnovoborsk municipal court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory where claim the mayor to the people is considered. Namely Ponomarev Sergei to Denisov Denise and Rogusova Angelica Rogousova. Two local deceived the shareholder, according to the offended mayor, have to be responsible for harming of his honor and to advantage.

C of each of respondents the mayor demanded br on half a million rubles, but itself to court did not come.

It already the second court session in claim Ponomarev Sergei to shareholders. On the first was not neither he, nor his representatives. The mayor also did not come to the second, his interests were represented by the lawyer Prikhodko Pawel.


the Reason for judicial proceedings became an action of the deceived shareholders. In the fall of 2017 the Sosnovoborsk shareholders declared that Company "Montazhstroy" which built, but and did not complete their house, belongs to the mayor Ponomarev Sergei , and the companies subcontractors occupied in construction, are founded by his relatives. Such statements also became the basis for claims the mayor.

Respondent in business Denisov Denise:

- Affiliation in what it consists?

- Well simply trace a certain chain. In interests of the this case, probably, in full I will not sound now. I think, process judicial will be pretty long, and as a result we will prove the case.

- Briefly, what it for communication?

- Directly here Ponomarev Sergei registered company by Retail-Garant. In it he is a cofounder, and to this address a number of companies is registered. In one of companies existence of related communications, and is possible further if further to trace a chain - that we will come to the companies builders where the same group of persons is the founder by and large almost all builders, or was.

- the Passer claim tried to give or it rejected? In the future still any attempts will be?

- the Passer Rogusova Angelica wanted to submit claim, but I think, it will give this claim all the same. I in turn while directly do not plan to submit claim, but, in any case, in a row supervisory and law enforcement agencies the corresponding inquiries are given.

Representative Denisov Denise Pisarevsky Timofey.

- Tell, in your opinion for such doubtful charge the mayor tries such big money from people. Whether it seems to you, what if people will manage to prove case to court, all this can pour out in big anti-corruption business?

- it has to Pour out, arguments was enough, we will tell so. If to trust my principal and other shareholders, this noise which has swept on all Russian Federation - it with an ulterior motive. Not only in Krasnoyarsk is on all Russian Federation occurs. And interests of the mayor of Sosnovoborsk, mayors, no more than petty desire to earn money. It is obvious to me that it is not based on the law, not on any honor and advantage. When the mayor looked for really there guilty or as my principal speaks would leave in press conferences, and everything there protested. Unfortunately it it was not made.

the Representative of public organization on control in the sphere of Household management company Korotchenko Valentine

- the Judge these facts knows

- Knows, and Denisov Denise knows these facts.

- On the following meeting you will be a representative?

- Therefore she (judge) refuses to accept all this. She perfectly knows everything. What state we in Sosnovoborsk - at us have critical condition. The mayor Sosnovoborsk once allegedly said that Sosnovoborsk is a milk cow and therefore this milk cow needs to be stopped that gave milk. That's all.

- And you communicated with the mayor?

- Certainly, at us with the mayor... Communicated (with it) much. We addressed to it that it carried out municipal housing control. And it gives the answer that we do not carry out municipal housing control. How we do not carry out it? There is a law where he is obliged to see off. And he will not see off. We addressed to affiliated (to it) to management companies which has eight contract organizations. The scheme provided. We have all this. We addressed and in prosecutor's office and law enforcement agencies, reached edge... We held meetings. All this is! But why him do not move away? Draw a conclusion! How meeting in Sosnovoborsk on management companies is held? Denisov Denise had to tell all this, and he will tell! At us with violation carry out. Signatures counterfeit are appended by management companies. Today criminal case in the relation is brought, I do not know, but have to excite in the relation management companies, the director, as she the legal entity - Zaletaeva Nina , for a signature fake on Vesennyaya St., 1. It is also attached to initiation of legal proceedings that from the house 93100 rubles wrote off - criminal case too is brought. And the mayor perfectly knows it!

- Now it where works? How you think?

- I so think who says that at work, but at work it do not see. Someone says that it left, on holiday allegedly. We do not know, where it. Well, we so think that Pistor has time - our former deputy has a dual citizenship, is at Rakhmanov, speak, the deputy, a dual citizenship. At it, allegedly, to Spain the house and the wife all. Inhabitants speak, means they know! This information can distribute as well the staff of administration. Also say that at Ponomarev Sergei there is a dual citizenship. For today I uslykhala that at it am residence permit to Italy. And so why not law enforcement agencies, prosecutor's office... We on an extent since 2014 declare that at us such happens in Sosnovoborsk, and any structure does not take measures! Either something waits, or something. Yes Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was! There was a withdrawal! Well why why it still left? Why it still at work?

- And withdrawal where was?

- Withdrawal was in management companies documents. Withdrawal was in Administration of Sosnovoborsk. It and on a site is FSB-shniki recognize. Therefore reached what? The person says that yes! It works with these firms! And that these firms under his supervision since 2005. And it still gives allegedly on discrediting his honor and advantage! Though conscience would have! Ponomarev Sergei ! Have conscience! I address to you. Resign the authority! Let the person will come what loves the Homeland, the Sosnovoborsk, and will live for the sake of it and for the sake of inhabitants!