The new deputy head of the capital Kamchatka territory becomes Loginov Vasilii Ivanovich

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the New deputy of chapter Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky becomes Loginov Vasilii Ivanovich who still directed Committee on management of housing stock the cities. About this Kamchatka information company "KamINFORM" reported sources in the city hall.
According to them, it is expected that appointment officially it will be declared today. Loginov Vasilii Ivanovich will take a place Kozin Oleg which left not so long ago a post to the deputy head, having gone to business structures. The new deputy will supervise Management of safety and Control management of administration of Petropavlovsk.
For the reference: Loginov Vasilii Ivanovich was born on August 16, 1957. The career of the official of the beginnings in January, 2004 from a position of the deputy head of administration of Ust-Kamchatka territory. Having left about Kamchatka territory worked in Administration of the Suzdal district of the Vladimir region, there were the head of the Novoaleksandrovsky rural settlement Suzdal district Vladimir region. From August, 2011 to July, 2013 - the Head of administration of Strunino Alexandrov district Vladimir region.
B 2014 returned to Kamchatka territory to a position of the deputy head of the Koryak rural settlement. From February, 2015 to February, 2017 - the deputy head of administration Ust-Bolsheretsk district.
C on February 27 till April 19, 2017 - the vice-chairman of Committee on management of housing stock Administration of the city district Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk. Since April 20, 2017 it is appointed to a position of the chairman of Committee on management of housing stock Administration of the city district Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk.
It is married. Has two children.

www. Kamchatka information company "KamINFORM"