To save "Hamburg" from a departure from the Bundesliga entrusted the local expert
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the Press service of "Hamburg" told the name the successor Markus Gizdol on a post of the head coach of team.

of "Dinosaurs" Khollerbakh Bernd headed 48-year . The parties signed contract till 2019.

"Hamburg" failed the first half of a season and now fights for a survival: the team settles down on a penultimate place in standings of the championship Germany.

of Wir verpflichten Trainer Bernd Hollerbach!
Der Fußballlehrer erhält einen Vertrag bis 2019. Heute leitet der neue Coach sein erstes Training und wird anschließend offiziell vorgestellt. pic. Twitter. com/dnTR3pajuN

— Hamburger SV (@HSV) on January 22, 2018