To Shareholders "Akhtubasitipark" promise to complete the house this year
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To shareholders
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Today, on January 22 , in Volzhsk took place exit meeting of the working group supervising questions of violation of the rights of shareholders of the region.

the Meeting took place in of 14 hours in a conference hall of City Council. On the agenda – a question of completion of problem houses LLC "AKHTUBASITIPARK" which here will not move off the third year in any way dead center.

the top officials of the regional power took part In meeting on a question profile: the deputy governor of area and the chairman of the <8> working group Valentina Grechina , the chairman of committee Volgograd Regional Duma on Household management company, to housing policy and construction Korbakov Youri , the deputy prosecutor Volgograd region Chizhenkova Svetlana , the head of a regional isnspektion of State construction supervision Storozhuk Alexander and the deputy head of inspection Kasyanov Roman , and also the chairman Regional committee constructions Kuznetsova Svetlana . Besides, on action also there arrived the top officials VOLGOGRADSKY OBLASTNOY FOND ZHILYA I IPOTEKI and JSC "VAIZHK" , director general LLC "VPSK" Kupreev Eugenie and the arbitration managing director Odina Olga . Volga at a meeting vice-mayors Guluev Gazanfar and Sukhorukov Victor , and also the management local MUPOV in the sphere of Household management company represented. Let's note, the present competitive managing director – Popov Nicholas – at a meeting did not appear.


To shareholders

As it was sounded during a meeting, the regional authorities, at last, found the mechanism of completion of houses of the deceived shareholders. Thus it becomes for the region bespredendentny – similar experience at shareholders, officials yet had no Volgograd region

Today – fine day in life of shareholders! After all to Volgograd region, one of the few, applies the most system and versatile approach to the solution of similar problems , – the chairman of committee Oblduma on Household management company, to housing policy and construction Korbakov Youri declared.


In particular, it was sounded that the governor of the region Andrey Bocharov already signed an assignment about allocation by the budgetary amendments of 60 million rubles on completion of the first house of ZhK "Akhtubasitipark" . On these means – through regional fund of housing and a mortgage – the area will get in new ZhK 1-roomed apartments which then will be transferred in quality of social housing to the orphan children living in Volgograd region . Will complete the house within allocated of 60 million rubles not the builder, and the contractor – it it is ready to act as LLC "VPSK" , already having experience of completion of houses.

– Power at us on it is, contractors too are ready to come on object. We have to complete the first house of ZhK "Akhtubasitipark" till December, 2018 , – the vice governor promised to shareholders Volgograd region Grechina Valentine .

To shareholders
Grechina Valentine, (on the right)

As for completion of the second house – which degree of readiness is much lower than the deputy governor of the region – the term of its delivery officials designated that as December, 2019 . To complete it hope at the expense of the means received from purchase of new apartments on "brisk object" :

God grant, sales will go, and we will complete the second house. If is not present – that as, we will consider option of repayment of apartments through fund of housing and a mortgage , – added Grechina Valentine .

By the way, to new buyers of apartments in "Akhtubasitipark" the regional authorities promise

preferential rates on a mortgage – in a size of 5% . On "to stimulation of demand on problem inhabited objects" parliamentarians of the region intend to adopt the bill soon.

It is remarkable that on a direct question of shareholders about creation of ZhSK and further monetary injections from their party, the power assured that "houses will be completed without ZhSK" . Thus, it was also sounded that "anybody on shareholders is not going to be welded on" , and interest of the contractor of the power explain with granting the new land plots to it.

the First house "Akhtubasitipark" promise to complete in 2018

At the same time, till the treasured moment of calling of the contractor on of ZhK "Akhtubasitipark" – by approximate calculations, it has to occur in July, 2018 – it is necessary to observe a number of essentially important legislative procedures and of "bankrupt norms" . Svetlana Chizhenkova reminded more than once the deputy prosecutor to Chizhenkova Svetlana Volgograd region .

To shareholders
Chizhenkova Svetlana, the deputy prosecutor Volgograd region

First, is change of the competitive managing director: in bankruptcy procedure , all the same, not to do without it. However, that the present managing director "Akhtubasitiparka" does not cope with the duties, today agree not only shareholders, but also the regional authorities. The court session on which the discharge question from a position Popov Nicholas will be considered, is appointed to on January 31 . But also on it shareholders still should prove inaction "competitive" and to adduce concrete arguments in own favor. Further – procedure of election of the new managing director: the readiness to undertake further bankruptcy to of "ASP" during a meeting was expressed the arbitration managing director Odina Olga , having successful experience of conducting similar affairs in the region.

Secondly as officials emphasized more than once, at future meeting of creditors to shareholders need to stand together and be not to allowed internal disagreements. Otherwise – procedure can drag on for long months that will seriously slow down directly completion domov.

To shareholders

V-tretyikh, not less important point – accession of object to engineering communications. And though in area today it is allocated an order of 126 million rubles (not only for of ZhK "Akhtubasitipark" , but also on others an unfinished construction), regional officials unambiguously let know that count on the minimum expenses in estimates of the Volga resursnik. Let's remind, on one of meetings of head MUPOV already sounded predesigns are an order of 50 million rubles ( in more detail... ). However now all estimates will go to Committee of tariff regulation the region where will be approved.

In parallel with it the regional authorities asked to provide to

due protection of object – not to lose the remained property. Despite almost a million debt which PSF Gvardeets collected at "Akhtubasitipark" before , the management of security firm agreed to meet halfway while officials of the region "will think up as with them to pay off" . In case of order violation on building and risks of plunders Grechina Valentine asked local authorities to attract to the solution of a question of employees of city of UMVD .

we Will add

To shareholders – yet the most difficult unfinished construction of the region. So, for example, one only of ZhK "European Park" includes "record" 13 houses. For today in the register of problem objects Volgograd region appears 41 the problem house. At the same time, for the last three years houses, from them by 7 – in were handed over 2017 to 43 .

If the mechanism offered by the regional authorities, will work, that, probably, already in 2018 to the apartments, at last, will come and shareholders distressful of ZhK "Akhtubasitipark" .

Andrey Bocharov
Last position: Governor (Administration of the Volgograd region)
Alexander Storozhuk
Last position: Head (Oblstroynadzor)
Svetlana Kuznetsova
Korbakov Youri