Khabarovsk-47 district Interdistrict prosecutor's office of nature conservation took measures for protection of the rights of businessmen

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Khabarovsk interdistrict nature protection prosecutor's office carried out an inspection of observance by local governments of the rights of users of nature by results of which violations in Administration of municipal district named after Lazo of the Khabarovsk Territory are revealed when providing services to subjects of business.


It is established that municipal employees neglected requirements of administrative regulations when rendering services on issue of allowing documents in the town planning sphere.

in defiance of the Federal law "About the organization of providing state and municipal services" to the representative of the enterprise who is carrying out reconstruction of system of water disposals in the working settlement of Pereyaslavk, to reception of a package of documents by officials of administration the receipt on their receiving is not issued to

. The applicant was not notified on results of consideration of its address.

the Nature protection prosecutor to chapter Lazo district are brought by

representation by results of which consideration of violation are eliminated, the notice is sent to the applicant.