Frost and school, day wonderful

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Frost and school, day wonderful

Today the last rather warm day before the real severe frosts. Sharp difference of temperatures from -10 °C to -30 °C will happen already tomorrow evening, and days off stem of thermometer will fall below 40 °C. According to forecasts hard frosts will hold on till next Friday.

Weather forecasters predict

in Sosnovoborsk not only a sharp cold snap, but also a squally wind with rushes to 20M/page. On Friday January 19 - air temperature will fall to -36 °C, and to days off the frost will start "growing stronger", the wind will cease, there will be a clear frosty weather without any precipitations, columns of thermometers will show to -46 °C. The frost will not recede and next week, and only by Friday there will come small warming to -22 °C.

In such weather parents have a reasonable question, whether it is worth visiting educational institution. As for kindergartens, in them there is no limit of the bottom norm of temperature for "not visit", to bring or not the child into a garden, it already on own discretion of parents. And here for school students for ensuring safety and accident preventions, in Administration of Sosnovoborsk there is a resolution "About Cancellation of Occupations in Educational Institutions during the Winter Period in connection with Low Air Temperatures".

Visit of educational institutions in frosty weather depends on age of the school student, the bottom limit of temperature and wind speed.

For 1-4 classes

For 5-8 classes

For 9-11 classes

In windless weather

– 32º With and below

– 35º With and below

of -36 °C and below

At a speed of wind up to 5 m/s

– 30º With and below

– 33º With and below

– 34º With and below

At a speed of wind from 5 m/s to 10 m/s

– 29º With and below

– 31º With and below

– 32º With and below

At a speed of wind more than 10 m/s

– 27º With and below

– 30º With and below

– 31º With and below