Against cancer just about will finally win? TOP of the most modern development in oncology treatment

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Whether it is possible to deceive a cancer? Scientists are sure, in an arsenal of an organism there are the antibodies, capable to finish with killing cages. But, if everything was so simple … The illness and itself can deceive an organism, having masked under healthy cages. As a result, partial or total absence of pain syndromes allows onkozarazhenny cages to develop to an inoperable stage. Only past year oncology of a visor of the humorist Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, world famous opera baritone Khvorostovsky Dimitri, American singer Bredli Charles, composer Shainsky Vladimir and one thousand more people worldwide.

the numbers of cancer patients Given about annual growth shock
, the candidate of medical sciences .

"There are certain statistical calculations that by 2030 onkoprotsess any localization will strike 100% of the population. At the patients having in the anamnesis various gonorrheal prostatitises more often the cancer of a prostate gland develops. Women with disgormonalny violations have the problems connected with pathology of chest glands and the gynecologic sphere which pass in onkoprotsess more often. People who sit the whole day in front of the computer, with the earphone in an ear, are more often than others get diseases of nervous system", - the oncologist summed up.

the Most widespread type of fight against a cancer - surgical intervention. Removal of the struck body can cure the patient if only the tumor did not start up metastasises, then the train of courses of chemotherapy and constant concern approaches - whether will help...

the Virus will cure

of a cancer of a brain?

the Opening, capable to destroy one of the most dangerous forms of oncology - a cancer of a brain, were made by scientists of the London University of Leeds and Institute of studying of a cancer. The cancer of a brain killed the singer Jeanna Friske and a baritone Khvorostovsky Dimitri. Scientists found out that some types of viruses can struggle with a tumor. About it reported the magazine to Science Translational Medicine . during research reovirusov, it appeared that they are capable to break the gemato-entsefalichesky barrier protecting a brain of vertebrata from microorganisms.

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Nine onkopatsiyentov received dropper with reovirusy, after a course with it removed tumors a surgical way. Scientists investigated remote cells of a cancer and established that the virus could breed and attack the struck cages, thereby having activated immune system on fight against a tumor. The principle of action of a new method the coauthor of research professor opened Melcher Alan :

"In our research we could show

that reovirus can infect cancer cells in a brain. And that is important, the brain tumors, infected reovirusy, become more noticeable for immune system", - the scientist told.

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the Virus quickly distinguished a cancer, and immunity began the fight against it. Researchers believe that virus droppers become good help in combination with other methods of treatment. The idea was highly appreciated by Cheremushkin Eugenie, the senior research associate of Institute of clinical oncology of ONTs of RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE.

"Virus therapy is built in by

a genome and destroys tumoral cages. This direction interesting because a little that gets into a brain, and a virus gets. And certain types of a virus can punch a gemato-etsifallichesky barrier and actively there work if it is a type of a virus which does not strike nervous system, and affects only tumoral cages", - the scientist told.

of the Photo: 24-hour city information TV channel "Moskva 24"

the Onkolitichesky virus Maraba will relieve of a cancer of a breast

Experts from hospital Ottawa achieved progress in application of other virus - Maraby. Experiments on mice were shown by good results. Scientists struggled with three times negative cancer of a breast which is considered the most aggressive and almost does not give in to usual methods of treatment. After removal of a tumor at experimental, doctors together with complex therapy started fighting against metastasises just by means of this virus. The Onkolitichesky virus, together with other means, allowing "to awaken" an organism and to force it to develop antibodies, allowed to reach 60-90% of the cured mice. Doctor Mari - Burzhua Klod - Daynkho, the leading author of research, told that was surprised to such indicators.

"We were surprised with

when understood that could cure a cancer at the majority of our mice. At us it turned out even with the forms of a cancer steady against an immunotherapy. We believe that this mechanism of treatment also will well work and in public. Further researches before checking this therapy on mankind" are necessary, - the researcher concluded.

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Treat a uterus spermatozoa

the Bezoperatsionny way of treatment of oncology of a female genital scientists of the Dresden Institute of physics of solid bodies and materials of a name of Leibniz invented. They used for dot deliveries drugs to struck with a tumor to tissues of a uterus the spermatozoa processed by a special preparation with the micromotor attached to them. With its help physicians also sent "transport" to the right place. Having reached a tumor, the spermatozoon was attached to it, and medicine started destroying new growths. as a result it was succeeded to reach removal of 87% of the infected cages. About scientific break reported the ACS Nano edition. The method allows to avoid heavy side effects after chemotherapy.

of Video: youtube/New Scientist

Domestic development

the Victory over an illness not always allows to return to former life. In the Petersburg oncology center work on rehabilitation of the patients who have won an illness is constantly conducted. Specialists of this medical institution invented an innovative method of voice prosthetics which already call the main achievement of 2017. Doctors returned a voice to 80 patients who have endured a cancer of a throat at which the trachea completely is removed and the person loses ability to speak.

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Externally the device is similar to the coil with threads. One end place in the trachea, the second - in a gullet. The artificial limb provides access to an oral cavity that helps to form an individual articulation, instead of "a metal voice" as by means of an electrothroat.

Work on the prevention the Oncologist Cheremushkin Eugenie advises


not to wait for enormous break in medicine and emergence of "a magic tablet" which will relieve mankind of a cancer. It already is is a healthy lifestyle and early diagnostics:

"The main interest in oncology is chained today by

if to take new methods, to impact on genetic information. The main problem of oncology - uncontrollable cellular division. There is a mechanism which blocks stimulation of this division. Old methods are based on direct destruction of cages: chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. And regulation at genetic level when we try to block or control certain alarm ways is now carried out. This direction which yields interesting results. But this future. To our society actually to be engaged in early diagnostics because practice shows that all achievements of oncology are tied on it and small operational interventions which destroy zones of growth of tumoral pathologies. The method is not new, but will be actual still very long. Problem at us purely organizational. It is often discussed that policlinics are, the diagnostic program too, and people there do not want to go. It already development level societies", - was concluded by the physician.

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is valid, scientists proved that not only banal smoking can cause a cancer, but also, for example, increase in a breast , namely, impact of a silicone implant on an organism. Evil joke can play and drugs. So Ministry of Health ordered to indicate some preparations for treatment of adenoma of a prostate and baldness that they can lead to a cancer of a breast at men as contain dangerous substance finasterid. There is a lot of such examples. To provoke a melanoma - a cancer of skin - the aggressive sun can. Danger everywhere also it is necessary to be on the check.

Bataeva Aniya