Furious truckers of Russia

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Despite a predictable outcome of presidential election in Russia on March 18, the candidate some Russian politicians who at all do not know try to propose

, whether will be able to overcome obstacles in a way to the admission to elections. "For some attempt - as the last way to draw attention to problems in the country matters at least. Example here are truckers", - writes Ganske Mendi - Pins on pages of the German edition to Volksstimme .

So, a strike in December truckers wanted to support promotion in Andrey Mikhaylovich Bazhutin, the chairman of "Association of carriers of Russia", transfers the edition.

the Reason of protests became rather recently entered system of collection of a payment from Platon trucks which did not get approval among carriers." Thus actually protests are directed against extending corruption and mutual responsibility as a whole", - the journalist notes.

the Strike in December had to shed light on these problems, however something went contrary to expectations: so, to a strike "Association of carriers of Russia" unexpectedly declared the foreign agent, and soon arrested and Andrey Mikhaylovich Bazhutin for driving without the rights, transfers the edition.

Within the last two years the quantity of social protests in Russia increases is "the small, regional phenomena, however their quantity is noticeable", emphasizes Ganske Mendi - Pins." Local protests are not dangerous to the power", - the journalist gives opinion of the economist and the sociologist Natalia Zubarevich.

"Truckers want to change something in vast scales, want to strengthen the society center, they any more do not want to accept corruption as the reality is distinguishes them from less noticeable protests of other groups of the population. In this light it should be taken into account and Andrey Mikhaylovich Bazhutin who on the political map of Russia is "mister Nikto". (...) Currency which keep in readiness for such insignificant candidates, another. It is called "attention". While truckers do not hear", - the journalist writes.

"Especially unpleasant for politically active truckers is that fact that one of those who benefits by Platon system against which they protest, Putin's friend Arkady Rotenberg" is, - the journalist in summary notes.

Arkady Rotenberg
Last position: CEO (Fund "SKD "Yavara-Neva")
Andrey Mikhaylovich Bazhutin
Main activity:Businessman
Natalia Zubarevich
Last position: The teacher, professor on chair of economic and social geography of Russia of geographical faculty (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Ganske Mendi