National Christmas festivities took place in Stupin

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Stupinsky news agency , Kardash Catherina

of N. Ostrovsky passed on January 7 the festivities dated for celebration of Christmas in a recreation park. Despite weather unusual to January, people came to a holiday in high spirits. Christmas festivities will be organized in Stupin annually, but in park they are held for the first time.

As were noted by the chairman of committee on culture, physical culture, sports and work with youth of Administration of the municipal district Stupinsk Skomorokhov Boris, this year on an idea of organizers was decided to refuse official congratulations and to make a holiday warmer and family. So, anyone could participate in various competitions and relays, to play huge checkers, to learn to go on stilts, to try the success in a lottery with prizes, to get souvenirs, and also to move a round dance with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. For all gathered on a scene near the children's town the concert was shown.

Kardash Catherina

Kardash Catherina
Skomorokhov Boris