information agency "Reuters": the son-in-law Imangali Tasmagambetov became the owner of the Russian gold mining companies

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The Kazakhstan businessman Kenes Rakishev in stay by the chairman of the board of directors of Kazkommertsbank.
Kazakhstansky the businessman Kenes Rakishev in stay by the chairman boards of directors Kazkommertsbanka.

Kazakhstansky the businessman Kenes Rakishev, the son-in-law of the ambassador Kazakhstan to Russian Federation Imangali Tasmagambetov, became the indirect owner of the Russian gold mining companies to Petropavlovsk, information agency "Reuters" reports. According to agency, 38-year-old Kenes Rakishev bought an enterprise share from companies the Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg to Renova Group.

In Renova Group to agency of information agency "Reuters" confirmed that the transaction about sale of 22 percent of shares of Petropavlovsk'a is closed, but refused to provide a detail.

the Interfax Agency information agency "Interfaks" reported that Kenes Rakishev, the former majority shareholder Kazkommertsbank (its share in bank – 86,09 percent of shares - this year was redeemed by National bank for 1 tenge), got the equity stake of the Russian gold mining companies through the Cyprian firm Fincraft Holdings Ltd controlled by it.

by data information agency "Reuters", market capitalization of Petropavlovsk'a this year grew by 8 percent to 331 million dollars. The head office of Petropavlovsk'a which, is considered one of the large gold mining companies to Russian Federation, is in London. The fields mastered by company, are located in Far East Russian Federation, to Amur region.

the Kazakhstan magazine of magazine "Forbes" Kenes Rakishev in 705 million dollars estimate a state. According to the edition, Kenes Rakishev the controlling stake industrial holdings belongs to SAT of %26 Company, shares in the insurance companies to Standard, the metallurgical companies Central Asia Metals Plc and companies specializing on transaction services to NetElement.

Kenes Rakishev is married on Asel Tasmagambetovoy, daughters 61-year-old Imangali Tasmagambetov, one of top officials Kazakhstan, working in different years the prime minister, the Minister of Defence, Akim Almaty, the head of Presidential Administration. In February, 2017 Imangali Tasmagambetov was appointed the ambassador Kazakhstan to Russian Federation.

Viktor Vekselberg
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JSC Renova Group of companies)
Imangali Tasmagambetov
Main activity:Politician
Kenes Rakishev
Main activity:Official
Central Asia Metals Plc
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing