Ex-directors of vodka distillery accused of evasion of taxes on half a billion rubles

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Investigative management of SKR on Kaluga region reported on December 27 about an end of the investigation and transfer to court criminal case, the former ingenious director excited in the relation JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RUSSKOE BELOE ZOLOTO". to the 59-year-old ex-director of the Obninsk companies, being engaged in Obninsk production and vodka sale, brought charge in use of obviously false document and evasion of taxes of especially large size.

According to the investigators, from payment of taxes it evaded, having provided the tax declaration with obviously false data. To the put budget the consequence estimated damage in 550 million rubles. Besides, in 2014 the director of the enterprise provided in tax inspection false bank guarantees, releasing JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RUSSKOE BELOE ZOLOTO" from payment advance payments. On this operation the company earned 985 million more. Voluntary debt on taxes was not extinguished. Now JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RUSSKOE BELOE ZOLOTO" undergoes bankruptcy procedure , the production equipment is arrested and will be offered for sale.

we Will remind

, Obninsk JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RUSSKOE BELOE ZOLOTO" in due time belonged to the known businessman Sergei Zivenko, to one of persons involved in criminal case about premeditated bankruptcy the Kaluga alcoholic beverage Factory "Kristall". After investigation proceeding some years business on a being collapsed . In any case, about Sergei Zivenko all charges were dismissed. In September, 2013 Sergei Zivenko told newspaper "Kommersant" that sold Obninsk plant "Russian White Gold", and also some its local brands Andrey Bokarev, to the co-owner "Transmashkholding", "Kuzbassrazrezugol", "Transgroup" and several more companies. But from other sources newspaper "Kommersant" then received information that actually the transaction on sale of Obninsk plant was not.

Andrey Bokarev
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MANAGEMENT COMPANY "KUZBASSRAZREZUGOL")
Factory "Kristall"