Vadim Kstenin accepted Voronezh under the Charter

@Bloknot Voronezh
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the First vice-mayor Voronezh on municipal economy Vadim Kstenin temporarily remained for main in the regional center.

the New status of mister Vadim Kstenin is as though valid for time of business trip Alexander Gusev to Moscow. Sources information portal "Bloknot Voronezha" in the city hall emphasize that Vadim Kstenin headed administration according to the city Charter. The pier, will arrive from Moscow the acting the governor Alexander Gusev and will solve – whether the deputy of chapter Voronezh will fulfill the duties before appointment of the new city head as a commission of experts.

we Will remind

, Vadim Kstenin, also as well as Alexander Gusev, the native of Government of Voronezh region. Five years - from 2010 to 2015 - directed DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES AND POWER INDUSTRY OF THE VORONEZH REGION. In the last year works became famous thanks to ridiculous criminal story: according to the investigators, three Ingushs took out it to the wood and demanded 5 million dollars. Ingushs arrested, the next court session is appointed to December 27 in the Soviet regional court on the case of stealing Vadim Kstenin.

on December 17, 2015 mister Vadim Kstenin passed

in vice-mayors on municipal economy.

we Will remind

, the mayor Voronezh Alexander Gusev was appointed by the decree of the president Putin of the acting the governor today, on December 25.

It is the third town governor in the contemporary history, the headed region. In September 2017 acting the governor Samara region and the mayor Samara Dmitry Azarov was appointed. And the Vologda city manager came to Novosibirsk region after resignations the local governor Andrey Aleksandrovich Travnikov.

Ganik Victor

Vadim Kstenin
Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Voronezh city)
Alexander Gusev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Voronezh region)
Dmitry Azarov
Last position: Governor of the Samara region (Government of the Samara region)
Andrey Aleksandrovich Travnikov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Novosibirsk region)
Ganik Victor