It becomes somehow awkward … The New Year's Eve fir-tree agiotage to Sverdlovsk region just about starts against new shocks in structure of department Sandakov Oleg

@Vedomosti Ural
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About New year remained to

, and in the Urals it is difficult to present without its main attribute - a fir-tree (or, at the worst, pines). Soon in the cities fir-tree markets, and in the neighboring woods with which Sverdlovsk region is so rich will open, woodcutters will stretch to get to themselves "a festive tree". Whether will be able not to lose Department of forestry control behind process?

By the way, profile department is already ready to start releasing fir-trees and pines to locals through forest areas - official trade begins already tomorrow, on December 16.

B Forestry Department of the Sverdlovsk region (the head - the former head of Sala Sandakov Oleg ) even made a special instruction that who wants to get a tree. But, to tell the truth, looking at it even casually, can capture a shiver (especially those who in principle does not take out any sort of bureaucracy - and it there will be much! ) . So, as it is known (the scheme was tested also early years), from the place of residence everyone will need to come to the next forest area with the passport, then to fill in the statement, having specified a surname, a name and a middle name, and also breed of a coniferous tree - only then there will issue the receipt on payment which it will be necessary to pay in one of offices Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia". But it - only a half put! Because with the paid receipt it will be necessary to return to a forest area again...

There, it is attentive having considered the statement and having received the receipt on payment, will prepare contract tree purchase and sale signed by the director of a forest area! It is thus noted that in different forest areas this procedure can be undergone for different time - sometimes and 3 days can not suffice. .

generally, as a result in a forest area have to specify, in what day it is possible to arrive to the wood to cut down there needles - and only where workers of a forest area will specify.

provided also the price-list of the prices for the trees realized through forest areas: tree to 1 meter - 33 rubles 8 kopeks, to 2 meters - 66 rubles 16 kopeks, to 3 meters - 99 rubles 25 kopeks, to 4 meters - 132 rubles 32 kopeks, over 4 meters - 165 rubles 40 kopeks (that is however much more democratic, than on fir-tree markets in the cities).

the Typical fir-tree market in the city (the Photo:

In Department noted that thus to citizens will allow to get only one-two New Year's trees that all the same as we already found out, it will appear quite hardly.

it is clear to

that such measures (registered legislatively - the Law Sverdlovsk region from 24. 09.07 No. 94) have to regulate logging and protect forestry. But in practice leaves often (not always) on the contrary especially as existence on them illegal cuttings down became frequent to characterize Sverdlovsk forest areas. Example here is Public institution WITH "Bilimbaevskoe lesnichestvo" which the other day properly checked in Sverdlovsk region Interdistrict prosecutor's office of nature conservation. Legislation observance there appeared to hell.

is worse than that, it became clear that employees of a forest area violated requirements of the legislation about the 3-day term of the direction of materials in police just at identification of the facts of illegal cabins! Terms were broken by consideration of statements and the conclusion with citizens of contracts wood purchase and sale for own needs (that is required right now - in New Year's Eve days). Well, alas, about violations there governed fire and sanitary safety in the woods even it is not necessary to speak...

Following the results of checks against the director of GKU "Bilimbayevsky Forest Area" Gilev Yvan initiated administrative proceedings on articles: "Violation of an order of consideration of addresses of citizens" and "Violation of an order of granting to citizens, legal entities of the woods for their use". And, court already considered these affairs, and Gilev Yvan found guilty, having fined total amount of 25,5 thousand rubles. Also 6 officials of a forest area brought to a disciplinary responsibility. Gilev Yvan was reprimanded by forestry Department.

Director of a scandalous Bilimbayevsky forest area Gilev Yvan (Photo: video hosting services "YouTube")

Apparently, a forest area this very problem, after all in March, 2016 one more official of the Bilimbayevsky forest area instead of signing contract with the applicant having on that right, itself got the wood for the purpose of preparation and illegal cutting down of 126 cubic meter! Prosecutor's office then brought criminal case under the article "Fraud, made by the person with use of official position".

to Cutting down

in general became in recent years simply a scourge of all Sverdlovsk forestry. Structures of specialized department even in the spring of last year recognized that not in forces to cope with "black woodcutters". Then, we will remind, in April representatives of Rosleskhoz in Yekaterinburg at exit meeting discussed a problem of illegal cuttings down for 2015. On their volumes then Sverdlovsk region, alas, became the leader among regions of Ural Federal District.

the Department openly recognized a shortcoming controls behind the wood and even started "the hot line" for identification "black woodcutters" - only not foresters, and the ordinary residents of Sverdlovsk walking on the wood: tourists, mushroom pickers, gardeners. With disappointment then admitted that on the average to only Sverdlovsk region it is the share of each of 335 forest inspectors almost on 45 thousand Hectares of the subordinated wood which they cannot check in any way therefore excesses with cuttings down and became constants...

Olshvang Dimitri