ROSIZO-GTsSI start the five-year TECHNE project

@The Art Newspaper Russia
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Reiti Kurokava.
Reiti Kurokava. "Sirens 3". Photo: Ryoichi Kurokawa/GTsSI
Reiti Kurokava. Still from Unfold. Photo: Ryoichi Kurokawa/GTsSI
Reiti Kurokava. Still from Unfold. Photo: Ryoichi Kurokawa/GTsSI
Reiti Kurokava's work. Photo: Ryoichi Kurokawa/GTsSI
Reiti Kurokava's Work. Photo: Ryoichi Kurokawa/GTsSI

B GTSSI and ROSIZO decided to undertake studying of technological art seriously: to show and tell about its types (robotichesky, generative, kinetic) and to decipher mechanics of algorithms and the schemes which have been thought up by artists, and embodied by car.

Immersion in tekhnoart will begin

with exhibitions TECHNE where curators Fuks Natalia and Dzheuza Antonio show not the most experimental, but more evident art added with references on a historical context and clear descriptions. The architectural bureau "Workshop of B" in fabric of an exposition introduced the whole art laboratory — reconstruction of a real art studio Morozov Dimitri (:: vtol:: ) where he will conduct lessons of creation of a media art, and also a small amphitheater — the scene reducing a distance between the media artist and the viewer.

the star participant of exhibitions reflected On more global distance — between Earth and the most distant galaxies, the Japanese artist and the winner of a festival of media art of ARS Electronica Reiti Kurokava. It brought to Russian Federation two new video installations, one of which, Unfold.all, recreates Universe measurements at distance of 10 billion years from us.

Curators promise

that at exhibition will be many Russian artists, adding that Russian tekhnoart "is very perspective and especially strong in three areas: areas of biotechnologies, Artificial intelligence and kinetic art". There begins this line Morozov Dimitri (:: vtol::) of which inspired not universal, but terrestrial depths. In specially created workshop in real time it will work over the devoted Kola superdeep well the installation which end is planned for January 26.

In the following exhibitions the TECHNE project the emphasis will be placed by

on creativity of the Petersburg artist Kraft Yegor who will recreate antique friezes by means of the algorithmic analysis and technologies Machine training, and media artists, directors of Institute of science and University art Sorbonne Kiseleva Olga, working over interactive objects.

At the same time with exhibitions at "Stanislavsky Electrotheatre" there will take place mini-festivals with audiovisual performances, and in the parallel program — a series of lectures about why in the future people, most likely, become cyborgs and what music of the future generations will appear. Art develops together with technologies, and it is already possible to start dreaming about with what media art in 2022 will surprise us. Just the final projects of a cycle devoted to robotichesky art are planned for this year.