Government oblasti liquidates the Children's improving and educational (profile) center of Yu.A. Gagarin?
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About that establishment is liquidated as the legal entity, testifies signed by the acting acting governor Budarin Alexander the order.

past week signed by the acting the head of the region Andrey Klychkov left the order about creation of the commission on an assessment of consequences of decision-making on liquidation of branch "The children's improving and educational (profile) center of a name Yu. A. Gagarina" PUBLICLY FUNDED INSTITUTION PUBLIC ORGANIZATION TO "CHILDREN'S IMPROVING AND EDUCATIONAL (PROFILE) CENTER "YOLOCHKA". In February of the current year the former governor Vadim Potomsky signed the document on reorganization of "Fir-tree" by accession to it children's improving and educational (profile) center. Both establishments are in Bolkhov district.

About results of work of the commission of anything does not know. But from other document issued by Regionalnoye government, it is clear that the Elochki branch will be liquidated. We quote the order No. 523-r of December 8: "Ahead of schedule to stop a right of use of a subsoil for the purpose of production of drinking underground waters for economic and drinking water supply of the establishment, Oryol region additional educations "The children's improving and educational (profile) center of Yu. A. Gagarina" the license ORL 54905 VE registered by Department of Subsurface Use for the Central Federal District on May 14, 2012, in connection with the termination of activity of the legal entity".

From the official site of the Gagarinsky profile center:

the History of a children's health resort and a place of children's educations and education under ancient Bolkhov totals more than half a century. The first official data on camp of Gagarin belong to the beginning of the 70th years of last century. For this period establishment was under construction and reconstructed, changed departmental accessory and organizational legal status. Today BOU OO DOD "Children's improving and educational (profile) center of name Yu.A. Gagarina" is the receiver of the rights and duties of Prefecture of Ogou DOD "The children's country improving and educational (profile) center of name Yu.A. Gagarina" on the basis of the Order of Government of Oryol region No. 179-r of April 28, 2011... For the organization of educational activity establishment uses fixed to it on the right of operational management of the room with a total area of 1391,7 sq.m., including 6 sleeping cases.

Source: Info-City,
Andrey Klychkov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Oryol region)
Vadim Potomsky
Last position: Deputy plenipotentiary (Device of Plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in of the Northwestern Federal District)
Budarin Alexander