JSC "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Omsk" warned about stay of supply of gas to debtors

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the Company notified the first 6 consumers debtors on full restriction of services since January 10.

with that some consumers do not pay the bill for gas were formed the Basis for the notice. Thus from the resursosnabzhayushchy companies obligations for supply of fuel in necessary volume are fulfilled strictly according to existing contracts.

On the official site JSC "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Omsk" is reported that by data for December 1 the overdue debit debt consumers of all categories makes 1 billion 216,2 million rubles. From them debts of the heatsupplying organizations – 607,9 million rubles, debt the population consuming natural gas, – 94,1 million rubles. The most malicious debtors to whom will limit deliveries gas, today are: Khrunicheva" , LLC "TGKom", LLC XK "STM-Omsk", JSC "OKSK" and LLC "BOILER ROOM "PERVY KIRPICHNY".

At application of such measures from the resursosnabzhayushchy companies, consumers have to pass to reserve types of fuel (fuel oil, coal) before repayment of debts for the consumed natural gas.