The downhill racing championship on skis will open a winter tourist's season in mountains Republic of Ingushetia

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resort Armkhi, Ingushetia Photo


"on December 19 in the territory of the resort will pass open tournament on mountain-skiing descent to "the Cup of Armkhi". For participants of competitions and guests lotteries will be organized hot meals, and also, exhibition and other leisure actions" — Khamkhoev Beslan told.

He noted that winners of competitions are waited by pleasant gifts and rest in New Year's vacation.

For the Russian and foreign tourists in the resort prepared a set of surprises, the New Year's show program, sports and cultural events, exhibitions and tastings of national dishes, competitions.

according to tourism committee, all during the winter period of 2017-2018 the republic will be visited by more than 20 thousand tourists. The all-weather resort "Armkhi" (Republic of Ingushetia) during New Year's holidays plans to accept more than 5 thousand Russian and foreign tourists that is 40% more, than during the same period year before.

Due to the annual growth of quantity wishing to have a rest in mountains Republic of Ingushetia the quantity of hotel rooms is increased by

with 120 to 205 places. Thus all number of rooms on New Year's vacation is already reserved.

On the alpine skiing track of the European level the wishing will be able to go skiing, a snowboard. For this purpose there are professional "red" and "green" descents.

Besides, the range of services includes medical massage with grassy tinctures and natural oils, driving on the rope road, preparation of national dishes in mountain cafe with an observation deck.

Special popularity at tourists mountain Republic of Ingushetia where there is a natural reserve "Erzi" and the Dzheyrakhsko-Assinsky historical and architectural memorial estate in which more than 2 thousand objects of cultural and historical heritage are located enjoys


"Armkhi" it is located in the western part mountain Dzheyrakh district Republic of Ingushetia at the height of 1520 m above sea level and more than 2 thousand hectares occupy the territory. There are 92 monuments of the Middle Ages, including known Ingush fighting towers and the most ancient in Russian Federation Tkhaba-Erda's dated of about VIII-IX centuries

the Christian temple