The film week to Slovenia came to the end with music of the Russian cinema

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on December 4 a concert "Music of the Russian cinema" which was devoted to the 80 anniversary of the composer Doga Eugenie, came to the end the VI Week of the Russian cinema starting at the end of November in of Shkofya-Lok.

Evening was organized by culture Association "Mascot" with support of the Russian center of science and culture in Ljubljana and the city halls of Skofja Loka.

In a greeting Doga Eugenie to participants and the audience are told to

: "I will be sincerely glad if my music helps participants of this creative action, this spiritual meeting with adjustment of internal harmony, to an enlightenment of emotions expecting enlightenment, with advance to perfection of human souls".

In the program of a concert songs and the melodies written Doga Eugenie, from the most popular movies "My Tender and Gentle Animal", "Camp Goes to the Sky", "Anna Pavlova", and also other film composers performed by the winner of the All-Russian and international competitions, the opera singer Igritskaya M., the soloist of Agency of talents "Roulade" Galitsky A., the young singer Kragel K., Russian Mascot ensemble, pianists Startseva Ye. - Somun and A.Banovets, the flutist A.Prelovshek. Incendiary Gipsy dances were executed soloists of dancing ensemble "Planet Rhythms" by Petrich Veronica.

Bright decoration of the concert program became children's songs from the movies "Buratino's Adventures", "Bremen Musicians", "Mary Poppins, Good-bye", sounded performed by young talents from Gold Lira music school and vocal studio "Orpheus".

the Mayor of Skofja Loka M. Yeshe in the final of a concert expressed gratitude words to organizers of a concert and Week of the Russian cinema.

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Speech of the flutist Anita Prelovshek and the pianist Anastasia Banovets
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Bright decoration of the concert program became children's songs from movies
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the Mayor of Skofja Loka M. Yeshe in the final of a concert expressed gratitude words to organizers of a concert and Week of the Russian cinema
Doga Eugenie
Igritskaya M.
Galitsky A.
Kragel K.
Startseva Ye.