Pupils of DShI of Polenov became winners competitions works on ecology

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Children presented pictures at exhibition children's art creativity "The person and the nature" in the Russian state children's library.

In particular, the jury noted works Shved Anastasia, Kazakovtseva Elizabeth, Geroev Daud, Mazaeva Olga, Yermolaeva Paulina, Khodova Christina. Children master the fine arts under the leadership of teachers of school – Trushina O. S., Zaytseva M. Yu. and Romanova O. V..

the Exhibition "The person and the nature" was carried out by

within competitions of the same name and Years of ecology. Pupils of various educational institutions of the capital could take in it part. The main goal – to acquaint children with the wildlife world, its wealth and magnificence, and also to open creative abilities. Creating works, young artists could use different art technicians.

Competition was organized by Look of the Child Charity foundation and the Russian state children's library with support of Social Security Department of Moscow, GBOU DPO of Moscow "The educational and methodical center of development educations in culture and art", POO "MSKH".

Sanina Anna
