Tariffs for the electric power grow in Lipetsk because of Free Falcon plant

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Tariffs for the electric power grow in Lipetsk because of Free Falcon plant

Inhabitants of the sokolsky settlement became hostages of once native enterprise and indecision of Lipetskenergo.

Free Falcon Plant - the largest in Lipetsk region the debtor for the electric power. The sum reached 500 million rubles. The semi-milliard debt only one consumer threatens reliable work of all power network complex of the region.

the Most effective way to achieve repayment of debts - to disconnect to the defaulter the electric power. Usually in the same day debtors find money to pay the bill. The guaranteeing supplier of the electric power – LESK, since August, 2011 demands from the network companies, Branch of open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company center" - "Lipetskenergo", to stop delivery the electric power to the debtor. However inhabitants of the sokolsky settlement are connected to old factory substation, and allegedly for this reason specialists of JSC INSURANCE COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY" could not disconnect the debtor of 7 years in a row.

As appeared, the plant not only did not pay the electric power, being covered with the inhabitants of the settlement connected to its networks, but also did not modernize electric equipment through which transmits from power engineering specialists that electric power to inhabitants.

- In a network has to be 220 volts, and there - 190! It leads to failure of household appliances. Here I have bulbs in the house: that dimly burn, that, you look, already brightly, - the inhabitant of the house No. 165 down the street Grandmother's Tatarinov Igor complains of a low voltage in a network.

A here his neighbor from the house No. 164 Kachanov Eugenie talks not on fingers. The man, having been tired to fight against a network lawlessness, - its voltmeter sometimes shows tension and in 120 volts! - invested in own power safety already 50 thousand rubles!

- Bought five machine guns of protection, installed them in the house and now if tension in a network falls below a mark of 170 volts, the system works and disconnects supply of electricity. Sometimes it is necessary to sit without light. And there's nothing to be done - it is a pity for the refrigerator and the washing machine.

by words Kabanova Eugenia, fault for the events entirely lies on power engineering specialists who cannot provide to consumers safe tension for household appliances in a network.

So, inhabitants of the private sector of the Falcon became hostages of once native enterprise which has been repeatedly made bankrupt, and indecision of Lipetskenergo - the organization, in due time not managed to execute standard procedure of shutdown of the debtor - to disconnect objects of plant and to provide other way connection to power supply networks of infrastructure of the settlement. Under the law, by the way, in case of impossibility of the centralized blackout, by the network organization other technical actions have to be made. For example, network sales managers can limit capacity factory substation. That is to give that volume of the electric power which is necessary to conscientious payers to a network. Also there is an opportunity to lay a power line or to construct modern substation for providing only inhabitants of the settlement. In this case the reserve of additional power for perspective developments Lipetsk would be at the same time created also. The network companies always had such opportunities and is. For example, in 2010 in Terbunakh Lipetskenergo for 200 million rubles constructed new substation "Terbunsky potter" 25 MWt which, according to the most investors, JSC INSURANCE COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY", is loaded for only 3%.

Branch of open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company center" - "Lipetskenergo" only in recent years spent about billion For construction of actually not used substations collected from consumers of the region of rubles. Thus the organization cannot resolve an issue of construction of substation for inhabitants of the sokolsky settlement here six years. It turns out, on construction of substations standing idle in fields at network sales managers of means is, and for power supply inhabitants of the sokolsky settlement - no.

Meanwhile, for uninterrupted power supply inhabitants of area annually officials of Regional administration put financial resources in new tariffs for consumers of the electric power. Powers of an expenditure of means are assigned to the network organizations, including Branch of open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company center" - "Lipetskenergo". The annual volume of financings investment programs Lipetsk branch is measured by billion rubles. And the estimated cost of construction of new substation for electricity supply of inhabitants of the same Sokolsky settlement makes about 180 million. Why these funds are not allocated for electricity supply more than 20 thousand residents of Lipetsk?

However, there is more to come consequences of non-performance by network sales managers of the direct tasks. The semi-milliard debt of Free Falcon plant as a result can increase a tariff for the electric power for all consumers of the region (for calculation with suppliers of the electric power the legislation provides possibility of write-off of debts at the next increase of quotations for the electric power).

- If plant will not satisfy debts, Administration of Energy and Tariffs of the Lipetsk region will be compelled to include them in a tariff for residents of Lipetsk. Unless it is fair? We suggest not first year to revise investment programs of Lipetskenergo branch, having allocated funds of consumers of the electric power, already allocated in tariff sources, for the solution of actual problems of power supply inhabitants of the region. I will note that on an amount of debt in 500 million rubles it would be possible to construct 3 more new substations! - the deputy director generals on LESK Rukina Olga stated a position of the guaranteeing supplier Lipetsk region.

Meanwhile, "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FEDERALNAYA SETEVAYA KOMPANIYA YEDINOY ENERGETICHESKOY SISTEMY"" on November 17 nevertheless lowered an electric power consumption level on "the Free Falcon" to level of emergency armor. And even technical capability was found to keep at former level power supply inhabitants of the settlement. In one day that - "Lipetskenergo" refused to carry out Public joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company center" the settlement still depends on a position of "Lipetskenergo" and from making the decision on construction of power facilities in the area territory. In LESK on questions of causes of failure of network sales managers in substation construction for the settlement the Free Falcon explained that the Guaranteeing supplier (as representative of the majority of consumers) some years do not allow in joint bodies on discussion of investment programs of network monopolies, even after recommendations and support from public associations. Whether the network company to send money to any open country, or nevertheless will go for improvement of life of 20 thousand residents of Lipetsk? It is not clear yet.

On request of GOROD48 for the current situation reasons in "IDGC of Centre" - "Lipetskenergo" explained, literally, the following: "Current situation with interruptions of power supply of consumers living in Lipetsk, Sokol District Babushkina St. - "Lipetskenergo" has no relation to Public joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company center" "LGEK".

However, in LESK in turn reported that contract on electric power transfer in this case is signed with JSC INSURANCE COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY", and means for service in transfer are received by Public joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company center" - "Lipetskenergo". JSC LGEK in this history acts, as the third-party organization which the network monopoly attracts for implementation of the obligations. And JSC INSURANCE COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY" .

Tatarinov Igor
Kachanov Eugenie
Kabanova Eugenia
Rukina Olga
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
OJSC MRSK Insurance Company
Main activity:Insurance
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water