In Nehaevskaya district incidence of rage among animals grew

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Po to data of Management Directorate of the federal service for supervision in Sphere of protection of Rights of consumers and wellbeing of Person on Volgograd region, in October-November of this year in Nehaevskaya district is registered at once some cases of animals of rage.
the Dangerous infectious disease was revealed by

in five settlements. In private households rage is revealed at a cat and a dog and at 2 heads of cattle. And still the infection was carried by a field mouse.

In all cases rage is confirmed with

laboratorno, reported Novostivolgograda.Ru news agency in the press service of regional Management of Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare.

In department also told that 12 people, including three children contacted to sick animals. All of them now take a course of medical post-exposition vaccination against rage.

in Only 10 months since the beginning of this year in Nekhayevsky central regional hospital 38 people asked for the antirabichesky help, from them 11 children. 10 people suffered from stings and the oslyuneniye put with unknown animals.

Due to growth of incidence by rage among animals in ADMINISTRATION OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT NEKHAYEVSK OF THE VOLGOGRAD REGION held meeting of the interdepartmental commission on emergency situations and fire safety. Its participants made the decision on need of carrying out in the territory of the region of a full complex of the preventive actions preventing distribution of a terrible infection.

at the initiative of territorial department of Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare will carry out preventive immunization against rage of wild carnivores, elimination of unauthorized dumps; reduction of number of neglected animals, actions for destruction of rodents in residential and public buildings and in adjacent territories. Also immunization will be carried out annoy the population of groups of risk.

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