Why entrants choose Finance university, Financial university

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Finance university, Financial university. Your way to success

Finance university, Financial university - one of the oldest Russian higher education institutions training economists, financiers, lawyers on the financial right, mathematicians, IT specialists, sociologists and political scientists. High professional standard of students, ample opportunities for employment and developments pits after the termination Finance university, Financial university define rather high competition at receipt in higher education institution.

Why Finance university, Financial university?

Finance university, Financial university - one of leading higher education institutions of the country, the realizing 12 directions of training of bachelors (the 28th profile of preparation), 11 directions of training of masters (more than 50 master programs), 9 main educational programs of an average of professional educations, and also 10 MVA programs and 108 programs of retraining and professional development of experts.

New educational technologies

in the course of training at Finance university, Financial university take root such "Bologna" forms and training methods, as: transition from linear to modular form of education; working off of the principles of approach to formation of mobile groups; creation of institute of tyyuter; lecturing by invited professors and experts (including foreign in English); further development rating system of an assessment of knowledge of students; development active forms of education (cases, business and role-playing games, situational tasks, etc.); preparation of electronic textbooks and manuals, electronic disks, multimedia training programs:" educational enterprise" (accounting), educational laboratory of chair of financial management, "educational insurance company"; formation on a number of chairs of electronic libraries; computer testing.

the International activity

the International activity is the most important integral part of functioning Finance university, Financial university.

Finance university, Financial university abroad act as

as partners:

- universities and other higher educational institutions and scientific centers;

- the centers of vocational bank and insurance education;

- business schools;

- the centers which are carrying out reception of qualification examinations and delivery it is international recognized certificates, examination of training programs and, respectively, accreditation of educational institutions;

- banks, the insurance, auditor, industrial companies;

- scientific funds of foreign countries.

business contacts with partner establishments Austria, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, China, Netherlands, United States of America, France Especially intensively develop.

Cooperation in educational area

- 5 programs of "the double diploma" in a bachelor degree: Northumbria university, Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom), Portsmouth university of Portsmouth (United Kingdom), London university: The international programs - correspondence course, London (United Kingdom); Blumsburgsky university State of Pennsylvania (United States of America); The Higher business school of Troyes.

- 8 programs of "the double diploma" in a magistracy: University Glasgow (United Kingdom), Birmingham university (United Kingdom), Dublin technological university (Ireland), Bank institute / the Higher school (Czech Republic), Lyons school of the management, the Higher business school of Troyes, National school of insurance France, CNAM University (France).

Besides training at Finance university, Financial university conduct active student's life

- 42 programs of the included training: Vienna university (Austria), the Higher school Bremen/university of applied sciences, Cologne university, Potsdam university, High school management of Otto Bayskhaym, the Frankfurt school of finance and management/university (Germany), University Moro Aldo (Bari), University Perugia and Salento's University (Lecce) (Italy), University Craved, University of the King Khuan Karlos, University of Kadis, Madrid university To Komplutensa (Spain), University of Dzheksonvil (United States of America), University Western Ontario (Canada), Lyaoninsky university, University of the international business and economy China, the Central financial and economic university (China), the Higher school of applied sciences Sant'-Gallena Universiteta of applied sciences Switzerland, Jeanne Moulen Lyon's 3 University, University of social sciences Toulouse 1 - the Capitol, National university of technologies and management (CNAM) (France), University London Metropolitan (United Kingdom), England Raskin Universitet (United Kingdom), Derby University (United Kingdom), University of Pforzheim (Germany), the American university Kabot John in Rome (Italy), Rome University Rome III (Italy), Milan polytechnical university (Italy), High school management in Angers (campuses in Didro Parizh, Budapest, Shanghai), the Higher school of management Clermont (France), Paris University Didro Parizh 7 (France), Business school Toulouse (France), Business school of Lyon (France), the Southern university Toulon-Var (France), University Nice - Sofia Antipolis (France), University institute Lisbon (Portugal), Perfecture of Kanagawa university (Japan), the International institute County of Surrey, Northeast financially - economic university of Dalian and University County of Surrey (China), Institute of the advanced researches (Austria), Neapolis/pathos University (Cyprus), Mari Kyuri-Sklodovskaya's University (Poland), University Mitskevich Adam (Poland).

- 2 the MVA international programs: with the Frankfurt school of finance and management/university (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and International academy of businesses (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Anton Siluanov
on April 12, 1963
Since 2011 the Minister of finance Russian Federation
Since January, 2013 - the dean of financial and economic faculty Finance university, Financial university

Anton Drozdov
on October 4, 1964
the Chairman of the board RPF

Oleg Safonov
on May 26, 1969
the Head of Federal Agency for Tourism

<"156 ">

Arsamakov Abubakar
on September 9, 1956

Vadim Belyaev
on May 28, 1966
Founder, the largest shareholder and head of Otkrytiye financial group

Mikhail Gutseriyev
on March 9, 1958
the Member of bureau of Board RSPP
the 16th position in a rating of magazine "Forbes" "200 richest businessmen Russian Federation 2016"

Mikhail Prokhorov
on May 3, 1965
the Founder of private investment fund LLC "Gruppa Oneksim"
the 14th position in a rating of magazine "Forbes" "200 richest businessmen Russian Federation 2016"

Alisher Usmanov
9 September 1953
the Founder and the main shareholder USM Holdings
the 3rd position in a rating of magazine "Forbes" "200 richest businessmen Russian Federation 2016"

Stognienko Vladimir
on August 20, 1980
the Sports journalist, the football commentator, TV and the radio host
Cooperates with holding VGTRK and Eurosport 1

Helena Letuchaya-Anashenkova
on December 5, 1978
the Russian TV reporter, TV host and teleproducer
Producer TV channel "Pyatnitsa"

Student's life

Besides training at Finance university, Financial university is conducted by

active student's life. Creation of sociocultural space for formation of the personality with the high level of culture developed by civil and patriotic consciousness, esthetic taste and ready to self-realization in creative and professional spheres - all this also the purposes Finance university, Financial university.

the Special attention is paid by

to development student's self-government which is realized through student councils of educational groups, faculties, hostels and university. The main objectives of bodies of student's self-government are:

- preparation and implementation of the student's projects directed on active participation of students in public, political and cultural life Russian Federation;

- increase of efficiency and success of study, activization of activity of students in educational process;

- involvement of students in scientific activity of university through system of scientific student's creativity;

- development initiatives of student's collectives in the organization of civil and patriotic education;

- the organization of cultural, creative leisure and the rest of students forming skills of a healthy lifestyle.

the Great value is attached by

to club movement. We help to create and we support work of student's clubs through which interests of students in the various directions (a comment "are realized The club of Debate ", " club of intellectual games", KVN, "Club of oratorical skill", "Shakhmatny club" and others)

the Important place is allocated by

for creative collectives in which students realize the talents. At university vocal, choreographic, theatrical studios successfully work.

Each student of Financial university has the right for education, to participation in cultural life, to creative self-realization and to participation in self-government.

Where further? Employment

Progress of our graduates for many decades is the quality evidence of training of bachelors, experts and masters.

So, among the most widespread places of work after the termination Finance university, Financial university are:

- public service (the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of justices, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of economic developments, Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, Moscow Government, etc.)

- banks (Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAYFFAYZENBANK", "Gazprombank" (Open joint-stock company), PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BINBANK", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK", etc.)

- "Big Four" of the auditor companies (Ernst & Young Global Ltd, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, KPMG Int Coop, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd)

- the Consulting companies (McKinsey, Bain, BCG)<"225>"

the History of Olympiad movement Finance university, Financial university

the Main Olympic Games for school students at Finance university, Financial university is the All-Russian Olympic Games of school students "Mission it is feasible. Your calling - the financier!" which in the Olympic season 17/18 was included in the List of the Olympic Games of school students in 3 subjects: economy, mathematics, social science.

B 2017/2018 to the Olympic Games "Mission is feasible. Your calling - the financier!" 11 years are executed!

B 2007 Finance university, Financial university together with website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" made the decision on carrying out competitions on economy for the eleventh-graders, dreaming to become financiers. Winners the first competitions became 10 talented children from different corners Russian Federation. Today they are graduates Finance university, Financial university.

For these years competition underwent considerable changes: in tens times the number of participants grew, its geography extended, essentially new format of competitive tasks is developed, the Olympic Games are held for pupils of 8-11 classes.

the Olympic Games Purpose - search and identification of talented pupils, development creative abilities at young generation, increase of economic and financial literacy of school students, creation of conditions for intellectual developments and supports of exceptional children.

Participation in the Olympic Games voluntary and free. The Olympic Games take place in two stages. The first (selection) stage passes in absentia with application of remote technologies.

the Final stage of the Olympic Games except a traditional Moscow platform, since 2014/2015 academic years is carried out in 20 cities Russian Federation: from Blagoveshchensk to Saint Petersburg and Novorossiysk. In 2016/2017 academic year the list of the cities where will pass the final stage of the Olympic Games was increased to 25 cities Russian Federation.

the Main Olympic Games for school students at Finance university, Financial university are the All-Russian Olympic Games of school students "Mission are feasible"

Every year the quantity of subjects of the Olympic Games increases. In 2017/2018 academic year the Olympic Games will study in economy, mathematics, informatics, social science, history.

Besides the Olympic Games "Mission Is Feasible" at Finance university, Financial university hold the All-Russian Olympic Games on financial markets to Russian Federation "Finkontest". It is the first Olympic Games to Russian Federation on financial markets. Here it is required to you not only mind, but also sharpness, aspiration and, certainly, there is some luck. The financial contest exists since 2008, passed a lot of time and every year we seek to improve our Olympic Games.

Competition research and project works for school students "Prospect". In a season 17/18 it will be carried out to the second time. In the first year competition takes place in one direction - "economy" - this year to it was added four more: management, sociology, political science and business informatics. For competitions research and project works in which the author has to designate own vision of a problem situation and versions of its decision

the International competition Finance university, Financial university for youth are accepted.

To participation in Competition invite foreign citizens and stateless persons, including the compatriots living abroad.

this year competition is carried out by

in 4 directions: Economics and information technology, International economics, Humanitarian, Social sciences.

Anton Siluanov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
Helena Letuchaya
Last position: Conducting a show on the Internet "Flying Supervision"
Alisher Usmanov
Last position: Founder (USM Holdings Ltd)
Mikhail Prokhorov
Last position: Co-owner (LLC Onexium Group)
Mikhail Gutseriyev
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GRUPPA SAFMAR")
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
Finance university, Financial university
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Public administration
Birmingemsky university
Main activity:Science and education